Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

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Curriculum Overview

In recent times the school has developed, and continues to improve, a defined curriculum beyond the core subjects. With reading a priority, as this is a skill that enables children to more independently access the wider curriculum, the school team have developed and defined a curriculum from Years 1 -6, as well as in the Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) that we believe meets the considered needs of our learners. Strong links exist between the Foundation Stage and wider school curriculum allow us to build upon children’s experiences and learning year-on-year to support all children in achieving their potential.

The manner in which this curriculum is delivered reflects the school’s Core Offer and Wave 1 provision documents included in the Core Offer statement. These key documents, defining the school’s approach to learning and how relationships sit at their heart can be found on the school’s curriculum web page.

Subject leaders guide the development of curriculum and provision in their subject throughout the school, supported by opportunities to engage colleagues and children and share in experiences being offered. As such the curriculum is under consistent consideration with children’s learning at the heart of the process.

Following the links on the curriculum page you will find documents that provide further insight into each area of the school’s curriculum. To find out more about the curriculum experiences of your child or to raise any questions you may have, we encourage all of our parents and community members to speak with their child’s teacher who will always be happy to meet with you.

If you are a prospective parent / carer and have questions regarding the curriculum please make contact with the school and a school leader will be happy to discuss the school’s curriculum offer.

Links to DfE Performance Tables and details of the schools most recent published outcomes for children are detailed below.

> DfE Performance Tables

> Published Outcomes for Children

Our Core Offer

The development of current curriculum at Haytor View began in 2016 when the school published its ‘Curriculum Core Offer’. This was developed in response to the Report on Assessment without Levels (2015), published by the government, which signalled a change in approach to assessing children which our, still relevant, Curriculum Core Offer, sought to address. 

The school’s Core Offer seeks to define the nature of children’s independence at a number of levels, as well as providing four key outcomes which underpin the experiences of everyone engaged in the school. These are: 

The Core Offer was updated and supplemented in March 2019 when the school shared two documents that sought to define the Wave 1 provision that children and parents can expect from the school. Wave 1 provision represents those experiences that every child or parent has in relation to their engagement with school day-to-day. 

> Wave 1 Provision  – Children
> Wave 1 Provision – Parents 

The Core Offer and related documents did not detail what children would learn (knowledge and skills) and when they would learn it (progress) – this is the job of the school’s curriculum. Whist the National Curriculum offers statutory guidance to support this, it is the school’s responsibility to shape our curriculum to meet the needs of our children and families, reflecting the school’s Core Offer. 

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum intent is underpinned by our core ethos and vision: 

  • Learning together; 
  • Enjoying success; 
  • Aiming high; 
  • Celebrating difference; 
  • Enriching community. 

We are committed to providing a curriculum which is broad and balanced, and provides our pupils with opportunities to gain essential knowledge, skills and understanding. We believe that all children should enjoy their learning, achieve their potential and become independent life-long learners. Our curriculum will nurture curious minds, stretch the imagination and provide opportunities for every child to discover their particular interests and talents, maximising their potential as fully as possible for the next stage of their lives.  

We want to provide the best possible environment for our children to learn and develop, as well as to cultivate a sense of wonder, empathy and understanding of the world around them. We believe that education should take place in a fully inclusive environment with equal opportunities for all where children feel safe to try new things.  

Our curriculum is focused on developing the children’s knowledge and skills across all of the National Curriculum subjects, with our aim of being the children are ready for their next stage of learning. Our children are given opportunities to develop life skills, focussing on their individual strengths and areas for development. Developing each child’s individual character is an integral part of our curriculum.  

Our core Intent:

  • Teach our children to learn well; 
  • Ensure our pupils are equipped to lead happy, healthy, constructive lives, in which they can aspire and experience success; 
  • Ensure each child has a broad and balanced knowledge of the world; 
  • Ensure high levels of competence in the core subjects of English and maths; 
  • Teach our pupils to live well in a diverse world, as confident, responsible citizens. 

 Our curriculum encourages our children to be:  

  • Curious  
  • Creative  
  • Knowledgeable  
  • Collaborative  
  • Positive  
  • Reflective  
  • Adventurous 
Curriculum Implementation

Our curriculum implementation is underpinned by our core ethos and vision: 

  • Learning together; 
  • Enjoying success; 
  • Aiming high; 
  • Celebrating difference; 
  • Enriching community. 

Through clear strategic planning, our curriculum provides opportunities from which the children can learn and develop transferrable skills. The curriculum is sequenced with identified end points, core themes are represented in each subject and lead to an accumulation of knowledge and skills in these subjects as children progress through the school. 

Each subject has a long term overview that sequences the themes that children will learn across each unit or work. In order to ensure that progression and balance is maintained, the programmes of study are developed into medium term plans which clearly highlight the core knowledge and concepts, learning objectives and assessment opportunities. This is the foundational knowledge we want all children to recall. All subject content is ambitious and challenging for pupils at each stage in their learning.  

The curriculum includes: 

  • Regular retrieval and practice to form long-term memories of knowledge, expertise and understanding. This frequent and systematic revisiting is also designed to develop vocabulary, literacy and numeracy which are fundamental to all learning; 
  • Suggested resources, key questions, specific vocabulary and the core knowledge for each cycle/unit of work; 
  • Explicit strategies to support children in their learning and developing meta cognitive skills; 
  • End of unit review to inform future teaching. 
Curriculum Impact

Our curriculum impact is underpinned by our core ethos and vision: 

  • Learning together; 
  • Enjoying success; 
  • Aiming high; 
  • Celebrating difference; 
  • Enriching community. 

We have high expectations regarding the Impact of our curriculum for our children, they will have the knowledge and skills to build upon as they move forward with their learning. The children will be able to work collaboratively with their peers and independently as inquisitive learners who are motivated to excel and who have a thirst for learning. The children will have a strong desire to embrace challenge and to be resilient learners, having appropriate expectations of themselves. Our curriculum will enable our pupils to become good citizens, demonstrate an appreciation for others and an interest in the world around them. Our children will be respectful and will show tolerance and acceptance to those from different faiths and backgrounds.  

In the long-term, our curriculum can be measured by the extent to which pupils leaving us are well-prepared for Secondary School. Children will leave Year 6 ready for the next stage in their learning at secondary school. The curriculum will have provided a range of knowledge and skills to support them in their future endeavours. We expect our pupils to thrive in the next stage of their education. We seek feedback from the Secondaries our pupils transition to, in order to refine our curriculum and ensure it prepares our children well for the next stage of their education.   

Curriculum Subject Information

The school’s curriculum is constantly under review as we seek to develop it to the needs of our children and families. Since 2017 the school has developed and reviewed annually, through dedicated Non-Pupil Days, the provision for the teaching of Reading & Phonics and Maths.

In recent times the school has developed a defined curriculum beyond the core subjects mentioned above. With reading a priority, as this is a skill that enables children to more independently access the wider curriculum, the school team have developed and defined a curriculum from Years 1 – 6 that we believe meets the considered needs of our learners and makes strong links with the learning and development that takes place in the school’s Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception). 

The school’s curriculum is reviewed regularly at the end of each unit of learning so that consideration can be given to developments that may be required based upon the experiences gained through teaching and assessing outcomes of each unit. Teachers, undertaking chosen roles as subject partners, provide support for individual and whole school reflection upon specific curriculum areas. Their role as a conduit for the sharing of experiences supports wider curriculum provision, consideration and development. By way of summary of the school’s broader curriculum from Years 1 – 6, as well as in the Foundation Stage you will find overviews below that highlight the key focus for units of learning that each child experiences.  An overview of the curriculum in the Foundation Stage is also provided Foundation Stage Overview.

Subject Overviews:

> Foundation Stage Curriculum

Phonics and Early Reading

In Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Years 1 and 2 children follow the Systematic Synthetic Phonics programme, ‘Monster Phonics’ on a daily basis. This follows a lesson structure which embeds previous learning, providing opportunities for the pupils to practise their learning in addition to teaching the next step. Phonics is taught explicitly in the EYFS, Years 1 and 2.

Children in Year 1 participate in a statutory National Phonics Screening Check. Those identified as needing additional support will continue to be taught phonics until they are secure with this. Children’s phonological awareness and spelling strategies are regularly assessed and this informs teaching

The Yearly Progression Maps details when to teach each grapheme and spelling rule, this also shows the schedule of grapheme assessment. The Progression Map and all planning is editable and is adapted to meet the needs of our children. 

 Progression Maps:

Monster Phonics was introduced at Haytor View during Spring 2022 and implemented at the start of the Summer Term, with all staff attending bespoke training taking place June 2022. Being new to the programme teachers use the Yearly Progression Map to identify the starting point for teaching in each year group.

In 2022 – 23 the school is investing in Monster Phonics ‘Foundations in Phonics books’ which have been specifically designed for children to develop an awareness of early reading and phonics teaching. The books introduce children to the Monster Phonics programme where they can meet the monsters and engage in a fun way independently or with a grown up. The books are targeted at Phase 1 to support children’s reading in Nursery and Reception. 

The wordless books:

  • Cover the 7 aspects of phase 1
  • Develop children’s early understanding of book structure and narrative
  • Use actions to build vocabulary
  • Develop children’s listening skills

Support parents in using wordless books and provides optional adult text that can be used in shared reading

The meet the monsters books introduce children to the sounds they represent and the graphemes which spell those sounds. Each book describes the life of the monster, their sound and the actions that they make, support their engagement in the scheme.

The school’s Teaching of Reading and Phonics Statement details the school’s approach to teaching phonics and early reading. 


Our Maths curriculum is creative and engaging and embraces the Mastery approach to teaching mathematics. All children have access to this curriculum and make progress in lessons. We incorporate sustained levels of challenge through varied and high quality activities with a focus on fluency, reasoning and problem-solving. Pupils are required to explore maths in depth, using mathematical vocabulary to reason and explain their workings. A wide range of mathematical resources are used and pupils are taught to show their workings in a concrete fashion, before establishing ways of pictorially and formally representing their understanding. They need to be able to make rich connections across the areas of maths and use their knowledge in other subjects. Maths is the foundation for understanding the world and we want our children to know the purpose behind their learning and to apply their knowledge to their everyday lives. 

Our Mathematics curriculum facilitates sequential learning and long-term progression of knowledge and skills. Teaching and learning methods provide regular opportunities to recap acquired knowledge through high quality questioning, discussion, modelling and explaining, to aid retrieval at the beginning and end of a lesson or unit. This will enable all children to alter their long-term memory and know more, remember more and be able to do more as mathematicians.

Through Maths lessons it is our aim: 

  • To develop enjoyment of mathematics and a confident approach. 
  • To experience a sense of achievement regardless of age or ability. 
  • To develop mathematical understanding and skills through a practical approach, enabling children to apply their knowledge to everyday situations and problems. 
  • To develop the children’s abilities to use mathematical language to talk about their methods and explain their reasoning. 
  • To ensure that all children understand the number system and can use a variety of computational strategies: oral, mental and written. 
  • To develop children’s abilities to approach mathematical problems and puzzles in a systematic way. 
  • To match learning experiences to the abilities and needs of the children. 
  • To maintain a framework of learning throughout the school through which continuity and progression can be ensured. 
  • To understand and appreciate pattern and relationship in mathematics. 
  • To achieve mastery in maths. 

Refer to our Maths Curriculum Overview and the NCETM Curriculum Overview.

< Haytor View Statement on the Teaching of Maths

What does Mastery in Mathematics mean? 

A mathematical concept or skill has been mastered when a child can represent it in multiple ways, has the mathematical language to communicate related ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.

Mastery is a journey and long-term goal, achieved through exploration, clarification, practice and application over time. At each stage of learning, children should be able to demonstrate a deep, conceptual understanding of the topic and be able to build on this over time. Children should be able to select which mathematical approach is most effective in different scenarios. Please refer to our Teaching for Mastery Statement. 

NCETM Progression Maps:

 > DfE Mathematics Primary National Curriculum

DfE Primary Mathematics Guidance:

Progression in Written Methods Statement:

NCETM Mastery Assessment Materials:

NCETM Professional Development Materials:

> NCETM Ready to Progress Materials
> NCETM Curriculum Prioritisation 
> NCETM Calculation Guidance


We believe that language and literacy is fundamental to the overall development of the child and their access to the curriculum in all its aspects. We aim to deliver quality teaching of basic and higher order reading, writing and oracy skills to enable children to become confident and successful in their literacy.  


Our Reading curriculum instils a personal love of reading for all children. Children become fluent and confident readers whilst engaging with a stimulating range of texts from a variety of genres in both fiction and non-fiction. Through this curriculum, children develop and nurture the essential skills of word reading and comprehension. 

The Reading Spine provides children with access to a wide range of rich texts which teachers read to children, to support children’s enjoyment of the range of fiction and non fiction genres. Teachers model reading strategies, this supports the development of children’s vocabulary, comprehension and writing. The reading spine is made up of ‘essential reads’, which covers a diverse range of experience to broaden understanding. The focus is ‘reading for pleasure’, therefore the books read are not linked to class topics and are kept as a teacher’s resource. They contain the following characteristics:

  • elicit a strong response – curiosity, anger, excitement, laughter, empathy
  • have a strong narrative that will sustain multiple readings
  • extend children’s vocabulary
  • have illustrations which are engaging and reflect children from all backgrounds and cultures
  • help children connect with who they are
  • help children to understand the lives of people whose experiences and perspectives may be different from their own. 

The books also include a range of stories set in the UK and around the world, both traditional and modern, as well as non-fiction.

 The Reading Curriculum Map provides the whole school overview of how reading skills, knowledge and attitudes are developed over time. The Foundation Stage 1 Core Texts and  Foundation Stage 2 Core Texts provides the overview of the core books, repeated reads, told stories, poems and rhymes used to develop the reading skills, knowledge and attitudes of children in the Foundation Stage.

> Reading Policy

Our Writing curriculum allows children to develop and thrive with the composition and transcription elements of writing. Children will be taught to write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. Children will be supporting in finding writing engaging and enjoyable by writing based around a range of exciting stimuli and understand the importance of writing as a life-long skill.

Writing is taught on a daily basis through a structured writing sequence. In daily writing sessions, children are taught different skills with an aim to develop a child who writes with accuracy, confidence and increasing creativity.

The writing curriculum map provides the whole school overview of how writing skills and knowledge are developed over time enabling children to confidently communicate their knowledge, ideas and emotions. 

We consider it essential that our pupils learn to understand and use sophisticated spoken language, employing complex grammatical structures and a wide and appropriate vocabulary. Our children’s language knowledge informs their ability to communicate with others, to read and write and to think. A key gap between economically advantaged and disadvantaged children in our society is the extent and sophistication of their language. We intend to close this gap, enabling all our pupils to use and understand a wide range of vocabulary in precise ways.  

The Oracy Skills Framework details the range of skills children need to develop to be enable to engage in a range of different talk situations.  

Handwriting and letter formation is taught explicitly throughout the school using the Monster Phonics script, once they have appropriate letter formation they are taught to join through forming each letter using the Martin Harvey method with a lead-out ready to join to the next letter. Early intervention and regular handwriting lessons in the Foundation Stage and KS1 aim to ensure all pupils are writing in the appropriate style by the time they reach Year 3. Good presentation is emphasised at all times and through all forms of writing. The school has high expectations of handwriting and presentation of work and children are held to account for ensuring their work is always of an appropriate standard. 

The school’s Handwriting Policy details the school’s approach to the teaching of handwriting.

In Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Years 1 and 2 children will follow the Systematic Synthetic Phonics programme, ‘Monster Phonics’ on a daily basis. This follows a lesson structure which embeds previous learning, providing opportunities for the pupils to practise their learning in addition to teaching the next step. Phonics is taught explicitly in the EYFS, Years 1 and 2.

 In Years 2 to 6 the school uses the No Nonsense Spelling Pathway, which provides guidance on how to teach the strategies, knowledge and skills pupils need to learn. The focus of the programme is on the teaching of spelling, which embraces knowledge of spelling conventions – patterns and rules; integral to the teaching is the opportunity to promote the learning of spellings, including statutory words, common exceptions and personal spellings. The pathway has a clear progression taught through blocks of teaching units across the year. 

The school’s Spelling Policy details the school’s approach to the teaching of spellings.

Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RSE)

What are the aims of Relationships Education, Sex Education and Health Education in the primary school?
“Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.” (DfE, 2019, Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education)

What must primary schools teach in Relationships Education, Health Education and Sex Education?
From September 2020, Relationships and Health Education are compulsory in all primary schools in England. For primary aged children this includes curriculum content under two headings (DfE 2019):

Relationships Education
Families and people who care for me
Caring Friendships
Respectful Relationships
Online Relationships
Being safe

Health Education
Mental wellbeing
Internet safety and harms
Physical health and fitness
Healthy Eating
Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
Health and prevention
Basic first aid
Changing adolescent body

What does this mean for children at Haytor View?
Every week the children take part in a class PHSE session, they engage in age appropriate learning in the following areas:
• Being me in my world:
Understanding my place in the class, school and global community
• Celebrating Difference:
Anti-bullying (inc. cyber and homophobic bullying) and diversity work
• Dreams and Goals:
Goal-setting, aspirations for yourself and the world and working together.
• Healthy Me:
Drugs and alcohol education, self-esteem and confidence as well as healthy lifestyle choices
• Relationship:
Understanding friendship, family and other relationships, conflict resolution and communication skills
• Changing Me:
Sex and relationships education in the context of coping positively with change

We used a number of resources in including an online resource called ‘Jigsaw’ to support the delivery of this part of the curriculum. The framework has a strong emphasis on emotional literacy and well being, supporting the development of children’s resilience and emotional awareness.

What will my child actually be taught about puberty and human reproduction?
The ‘Changing Me’ unit is taught over a period of 6 weeks, usually in the second half of the summer term. Each year group will be taught appropriate to their age and developmental stage, building on the previous years’ learning. Please note: at no point will a child be taught something that is inappropriate; and if a question from a child arises and the teacher feels it would be inappropriate to answer, (for example, because of its mature or explicit nature), the child will be encouraged to ask his/her parents or carers at home. The question will not be answered to the child or class if it is outside the remit of that year group’s programme.

The Changing Me unit is all about coping positively with change and includes:
Ages 3-5 Growing up: how we have changed since we were babies.
Ages 5-6 Boys’ and girls’ bodies; correct names for body parts.
Ages 6-7 Boys’ and girls’ bodies; body parts and respecting privacy (which parts of the body are private and why this is).
Ages 7-8 How babies grow and how boys’ and girls’ bodies change as they grow older. Introduction to puberty and menstruation.
Ages 8-9 Internal and external reproductive body parts. Recap about puberty and menstruation. Conception explained in simple terms.
Ages 9-10 Puberty for boys and girls in more detail including the social and emotional aspects of becoming an adolescent. Conception explained in simple biological terms.
Ages 10-11 Puberty for boys and girls revisited. Understanding conception to the birth of a baby. Becoming a teenager.

If you have any questions…
We believe that successful teaching around SRE can only take place when parents and school work together. Especially, considering we both want children to grow up safe and happy in healthy relationships, with the ability to manage their emotions and speak up when they feel unsafe. Therefore, we are committed to working together with parents. Parents retain the right to request their child is removed from some or all of the elements of sex education which go beyond the national curriculum for science.

Maintained schools are required to teach about the main external body parts and changes to the human body as it grows from birth to old age, including puberty. Should a parent decide that they do not wish their child to take part in lessons, we would ask that they first speak to their classroom teacher to discuss their concerns.

Talk to your child’s teacher, the Phase Leader or Co-Head Teacher as we’d be keen to talk through any questions you may have. We know that in working in partnership with parents and carers we can support children’s lifelong learning and safeguarding through the delivery of the Relationships Education, Sex Education and Health Education curriculum.






Home Learning

We believe home learning consolidates and reinforces skills and understanding in Mathematics, English and other curriculum areas, helps raise the level of achievement of individual pupils, provides opportunities for parents/carers and children to work together and, thereby, fostering an effective partnership between home and school.

Home learning is set and children are encouraged to, and expected to establish good home learning habits from the beginning of their school life:

  • Home learning is set regularly as a means of reinforcing learning
  • Home learning is differentiated to meet the needs of individual pupils
  • Home learning should be understood by pupils and parents, and not be seen as an onerous task

We believe that home learning benefits children by:

  • reinforcing concepts and skills taught in school;
  • enabling children to revisit aspects of the curriculum;
  • encouraging children to read to their parents/carers;
  • providing an opportunity for parents/carers to become involved in their child’s learning;
  • helping to demonstrate to children that learning can take place in many environments;
  • promoting learning at home as an essential part of good education;
  • helping children to develop skills and attitudes they need for successful lifelong learning;
  • supporting the development of independent learning skills, including the habits of enquiry and investigation.

If you have any questions about home learning, including the learning set for your child, expectations, how you can support your child or any other queries, please speak with your child’s class teacher who will be keen to speak with you. 

> Home Learning Policy

> Appendix 1 Home Learning Overview

Enrichment Opportunities

Educational Visits, Residential opportunities, Guest Speakers, Visiting Experts, taking on additional responsibilities, attending clubs and engagement with the local community are a regular feature for children at Haytor View Community Primary School. Such opportunities:  

  • Puts learning into context;  
  • Supports the development of new skills and knowledge;  
  • Develops social skills;  
  • Broadens children’s experiences;  
  • Enables children to work with ‘experts’;  

Provides children with a sense of where they are within the context of the wider world. 

More information on the range of opportunities on offer are detailed in the ‘Students’ section of the website, our Community Cohesion Policy details the school’s approach to promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils and of society and prepare our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. 

Marking, Feedback & Assessment

‘A conversation with the child about what they have done well and what they need to do to improve …makes a difference to learning’ (M. Myatt 2013). Providing plenty of feedback during the lesson can be more appropriate and immediate which can better accelerate the learning journey that the learner takes.

We recognise the role feedback plays in children’s learning and progress, it is central to teaching and learning, therefore we seek to maximise its effectiveness in the day to day experiences of children.

Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. It is a continual process and is incorporated systematically into our teaching strategies with the aim of promoting progress for all pupils. Our aim is to ensure high quality teaching is supported and informed by our assessment processes, allowing teachers to respond accurately to the learning needs of every pupil, including those with SEND. Pupils have an active role in their own assessment, identifying their own learning needs and how they could improve their work. They are continually encouraged to be reflective and have a good understanding of their own strengths and how they can develop their learning further. All our assessment has a clear purpose and is done without adding unnecessarily to teachers’ workload.

Please refer to our Marking and Feedback Policy which details the school’s approach to feedback, the Assessment Policy explains the summative and formative assessment arrangements, further detailed in the Assessment Appendix. 

Learning Environment

A high quality learning environment has a direct impact on the learning, contribution, attitudes and outcomes of the children in our school.  

We believe that the learning environment plays a key role in supporting the ethos, aims and values of the school. A high quality learning environment sends a message to children, parents / carers, staff and visitors throughout the school that children, their learning is highly valued 

Classroom environments can both support and enrich the learning of all children. As well as being vibrant and welcoming, the classroom environment is a learning resource, the ‘second teacher’, a way of engaging children and building the class community. It can create a sense of ownership and be used to support and promote learning as well as celebrating children’s learning. With careful thought and planning, an effective classroom environment is used as an interactive resource supporting teaching, learning and assessment. We believe that a well organised and stimulating environment has a direct impact on the quality of teaching and learning, and therefore supports raising standards. It enables pupils to develop independence as learners. 

We know that each teacher is an individual and will offer the children something unique, but if consistency, continuity and progression are to remain meaningful to the experiences of children it is important there is a consistent approach to the learning environment across our whole school. Whilst we have whole school expectations and a consistent approach we encourage the use of innovation to make each learning space individual and tailored to the needs of the pupils and their learning 

The Learning Environment at Haytor View Community Primary School should: 

  • Create a purposeful and relevant learning environment which supports learning and celebrates success;  
  • Create a welcoming, safe, rich and stimulating environment for the children to be in that provides a vibrant visual image to support the children’s learning and engagement;
  • Encourage children to have pride and confidence in their learning and achievements by demonstrating that we value their work and learning; 
  • Stimulate interest and discussion to challenge children’s knowledge and understanding of the world; 
  • Encourage respect for the school environment and actively work to ensure it is an enriched place to learn; 
  • Support children in their learning, presentation, personal organisation and general tidiness;  
  • Motivate and challenge our children by promoting independent learning skills; 
  • Reflect, support and challenge the current learning; 
  • Foster self efficacy and celebrate achievement for all children; 
  • Positively impact on learning; through consolidation  / reminder of previous learning and introducing new information & knowledge and stimuli; 
  • Support/initiate/provide learning opportunities in and out of the classroom;  
  • Empower the children to be active learners with a sense of responsibility, ownership and independence by involving them in the development of their learning environment (inside and out)  
  • Represent every child in the learning environment including in our displays valuing children’s contributions, outcomes and learning; 
  • Support and develop oracy; 
  • Reflect the school focus on reading and phonic development;  
  • Scaffold the children’s learning and independent work; 

Support children’s understanding of their stage of learning and what they need to do next; 

> Learning Environment Policy
> Appendix 1 Learning Environment Guidance
> Appendix 2 Publishing Children’s Learning
> Appendix 3 Classroom Displays Guidance
> Appendix 4 Expectations of Classroom Displays

          Pupil Books

          Children’s books are can enhance the learning experience for pupils when it is used appropriately with a range of other teaching and learning strategies. Children demonstrate progress using the book and teachers can use it to identify next steps or misconceptions. A consistent approach towards the most effective use of children’s books is an integral part of sustained school improvement in effective teaching and learning. 

          Children’s books reflect a child’s progress over time, they also reflect the quality of teaching over time. It is therefore essential that each is responsible and accountable for each child in their class, this includes all aspects of children’s learning including their books. Books will demonstrate the child’s learning journey, often this will span year groups to support the child in reflecting and revisiting learning and to support the practitioner in identifying prior learning, application and next steps;

          The children’s books are a reflection of our high expectations that each child will achieve their full potential. We should expect that each book demonstrates each child’s best. 

          We aim to:  

          • Set high standards of expectation for the children in the presentation of their learning. 
          • Instil in the children a sense of pride in their learning by supporting their understanding of the  presentation in their learning. 
          • Help children to realise that presentation is not more important than the content of their learning, but that it is an important aspect of their learning. The aim of children’s books is to:
          • Provide formative feedback to children so they can make sustained progress. 
          • Provide a record of the application of learning and progress. 
          • Facilitate communication between the teacher and child. 
          • Enable the child to demonstrate their skills, knowledge and understanding. 
          • Provide an assessment tool (formative but also summative in some cases). 
          • Promote the development of literacy skills, use of full sentences and appropriate key words or phrases.  

          At Haytor View Community Primary School we have undertaken a review of all books, in order to:

          1. Support practitioners in reviewing progress overtime;
          2. Provide children with an opportunity to review and understand how their current learning links with learning undertaken in previous units or year groups;
          3. Underpin teacher planning, identifying starting points, gaps and misconceptions.
          Teaching and Learning

          Teachers create global citizens, they inspire children to achieve great things. At Haytor View Community Primary School every child has an entitlement to benefit from teaching of the highest quality. This policy is designed to ensure that learning is at the heart of everything we do and that everyone works together to ensure that this happens through a consistent approach across all phases.

          Our belief is that education is transformational, our role is to support all of our children to succeed irrespective of their starting points. We understand that ‘equal’ treatment is not always sufficient to give ‘equitable’ outcomes – some children need more than others. We are committed to giving children whatever support they need to ensure they make the progress necessary to get the successful outcomes that they deserve. We work tirelessly to remove barriers to learning for all children.

          We believe that relationships are key, the way that adults and children relate to each other is fundamental to the success of what we are trying to achieve. If relationships are founded in mutual respect, fairness and consideration for others, children feel safe. When children feel safe they can take risks, be challenged and ask questions. Asking questions breeds curiosity and from curiosity comes engagement. If children are engaged, they learn, enjoy it and want to persevere even when learning and life get tough.

          We believe that every child is unique, whilst we ensure there is consistency of provision, high expectation, productivity and outcome, we recognise that our children most affected by adverse childhood experiences, SEMH challenges and complex SEND need approaches which are tailored to them.

          Effective teaching at Haytor View Community Primary is underpinned by the concept that: “Every teacher needs to improve, not because they are not good enough, but because they can be even better.” (Professor Dylan Wiliam)  

          Continuing Professional Development has a high priority at Haytor View Community Primary, it is focused on school development targets, curriculum development, statutory requirements and personal professional development. This takes various forms including information sharing, peer observation, phase learning groups, internal and external training.

          Continuing Professional Development at Haytor View is:

          • Focused on Quality First Teaching
          • Underpinned by the Teaching Standards
          • Developmental
          • Research Informed

          Continuing Professional Development at Haytor View Community Primary is underpinned by the aim to: “Be the best you can until you know better, and when you know better, do better and be better”. Maya Angelou  

          > Teaching & Learning Policy

          > Appendix 1 Roles & Responsibilities
          > Appendix 2 Planning
          > Appendix 3 Curriculum
          > Appendix 6 Elicitation tasks in mathematics
          > Appendix 7 DUG Grids Showing Deep Understanding explained
          > Appendix 8 The role of the Deeper Understanding Grid
          > Appendix 9 DUG Grid Years 3