Year 4
Lucas Jet Circus Visit
The children of years 3 and 4 enjoyed a circus workshop where they learned to juggle, spin plates, use diablos and flower sticks. Great patience was required and the children thoroughly enjoyed mastering the skills needed. In the afternoon the children joined the rest of the school for a fantastic Circus performance.
RNLI visit
The children of Key Stage Two were visited by two lifeguards from the RNLI. The children learned about the different flags used on beaches, how rescues take place, how to care for themselves in an emergency and what to do if they get into danger.
For more information please use this link.
Multiplication Learning
Year 4 have been working hard to master their times tables. This has seen the children supporting one another to learn their different tables. The children have been enjoying using Times Table Rock Stars and earning certificates as they progress through the different stages.
Batik work
For art year 4 have begun to look at the process of Batik, the children looked at materials with Batik patterns and then they began to extend patterns in their sketch books. This was a fantastic afternoon, Harry shared how he ‘enjoyed continuing the patterns to create something new’.
Creating erupting volcanoes
The class have been learning about volcanoes as part of their geography and have created some volcanoes which could then be ‘erupted’ so the children could see how this could look. Miley then bravely allowed the class to help her volcano erupt! Logan shared ‘how it was fun as you got to see how it explodes!’.
Making Moving Posters
The children of year 4 spent have spent the Spring term learning about linkages and levers as part of their Design Technology learning. This saw the children making waving hands, snapping crocodiles and then creating moving posters of the animals they have looked at as part of their writing journey looking at the Ask Dr K Fisher books. Ella shared ‘I was able to see how my imagination could make my donkey move like it had real legs.’
Haytor View Music Festival 2024
Following on from the Torbay Music Festival, we decided to have our own Music Festival at Haytor View. This saw performances from across Years 2 – 6. It was an amazing opportunity for the children to take great pride in showcasing their musical talents. We feel this will be the first, in a long line of annual Haytor View Music Festivals!
Torbay Music Festival 2024
It was an absolute honour to see children across Key Stage Two performing at Torbay Music Festival on Friday 1st March. From songs about Haytor View to songs about Watermelons, every performance was a joy to watch and listen to, feeling very personal to our community school.
We wish to thank all parents and carers who were able to attend the event and share in the wonderful experiences.
As a school, we use a learning scheme called Jigsaw Education to support us in delivering the PSHE curriculum. This half term, each class has focussed on Going for Goals in line with our assembly focus. Here are some examples of learning across the school this half-term:
To support your child to reflect on the learning that has taken place over this half term, try asking them some questions about the Goals they have considered in class:
- What goals have you set at school? • What goal would you like to set for home? • What do you need to do to achieve your goal?
To extend their thinking a little, try asking:
- How do you feel when something is difficult? • How do you feel when you have achieved a goal?
Gymnastics impact day
Year 4 took part in a gymnastics impact day with Miss Brown from Newton Abbot College. The children experienced using different equipment and learned to play ‘the floor is lava’ on the wall bars. The class learned how to roll, stretch and jump on and off spring boards, benches and vaults.