Welcome to our Nursery
The Foundation Stage / Nursery & Reception
Haytor View Foundation Stage Unit consists of a maintained Nursery class and Reception class. Our Early Years Foundation Stage children work in a truly integrated unit. This means there is no Reception or Nursery side to the classroom space. All children access and use all areas of the room. The large room also has two doors that lead into the garden area. In addition the children also have regular opportunities to use various spaces across the school grounds, hall, cooking room, small rooms, field and studio space.
Every child belongs to a small ‘family’ group that will have a number of children from Foundation 1 (F1) and Foundation 2 (F2). The children work in a mixed age group to support their personal and social development. The unit is staffed by a Specialist Leader in Early Years Education, a teacher, four level 3 qualified nursery nurses/ foundation practitioners. The staff are experienced, and work closely alongside all the children in the unit. Your child will have their own key worker but will also spend time working with all of the staff across the unit.

Session Times
Session Times: 15 hour and 30 hour offer
The Foundation Stage at Haytor View consists of a 52 place Nursery class 26 each session and a 30 place reception class, which means we can accommodate 56 children at each session.
All children can access provision the term after their third birthday, they are entitled to universal 570-hour entitlement up to 15 hours a week of FREE Early years provision organised across 38 weeks of the year. Some children are entitled to two year old funding, we can admit children in receipt of funding from their third birthday. We also offer paid sessions for 3 year olds.
Sessions are arranged across the week in units of three hours, patterns of attendance are agreed with parents primarily, taking into account the educational, development and needs of the children.
Families that have an 11-digit code because they are working and eligible for the FREE extended entitlement can have up to 1140 hours stretched across a year. This equates to 30 hours a week over 38 weeks of the year.

Session times are:
• Morning sessions of 8.30am to 11.30am and
• Afternoon sessions of 12.20pm to 3.20pm and
• All day sessions of 9.00am to 3.00pm during term time only.
If parents want to buy additional hours on top of the 15 funded hours or the extended entitlement as their children are not eligible for Extended Entitlement funding, they can do this during our opening times. For children accessing the full day session (9am – 3pm) we offer an extended day early start drop off at 8.30 am and a late pick up at 3.20am.
The Extended Entitlement includes a lunch time, to ensure that this is as comfortable and appropriate as possible we restrict lunches to packed lunches only. These can be provided from home, alternatively our kitchen can provide a packed lunch for your children if your child qualifies for a free school meal or you wish to purchase a packed lunch. While the world of hot school meals will open to the children as they enter Reception and beyond we have recognised that the skills required and processes involved in accessing hot meals for children so young is an uncomfortably large challenge for them.
Hourly Rate Calculated at:
£13.00 per 3 hour session for children 3 years and above
£26 per 6 hour all day session for children 3 years and above
£30 per extended all day session for children 3 years and above
Early Years provision is from the term after their third birthday until the term after their fifth birthday. The table below shows when children become eligible to access the Early Years entitlement.
On or after | And on or before | Funding starts: |
1 September | 31 December | Spring (after Christmas) |
1 January | 31 March | Summer (after Easter) |
1 April | 31 August | Autumn (after Summer) |
get in touch
We welcome the opportunity to meet children and parents, we can offer a tour of the setting, talk to you about our offer and our provision. Your child can explore our environment and get a taste of the space and opportunities on offer. This provides you and your child with the opportunity to spend some time in our provision, speak with our team and ask any questions you have.
If you wish to arrange for a visit or have any questions please get in touch:
School email address: admin@haytorview.devon.sch.uk | Speaking with school staff via telephone 01626 203040
Supporting Children to Settle
A Child’s Voice
Central to our work at Haytor View is the importance we give to the voice of the child. We actively listen to children – seeking to find out what they are interested in, what questions they have and what they would like to know more about. Our role is to support the children in this journey so that they discover how exciting learning can be. This means our curriculum content is flexible as children’s interests change and it can be very varied. Our aim is that all the children who come here become independent, confident, caring and responsible young learners, who leave the Foundation Stage with a real love of learning. The needs of each child will vary and we work very hard to cater for this difference. You will be able to hear and read the children’s voice in the documentation we display in our “ Wait, Watch and Wonder” books The process of documenting a child’s voice allows us to make their learning visible to you and other children in the setting. This documentation is captured in words and pictures to tell their learning story about each area of the classroom and group discussions. Individual stories are captured shared in our morning meeting and filed in each child’s Learning Journey file.

Playing / Learning
“Just Playing” You may think that children are “Just Playing” when you see young children working in the Foundation Stage Unit.
However, if you look closely you will see a whole world of learning happening. This is because young children are ‘active learners’ and the experiences we offer are specifically planned to enhance the all around development of the child.
We want to enable each child to be a successful achiever in a safe, secure environment. Spontaneous learning opportunities are recognised and extended by the teachers as they occur. We encourage children to be active learners, to play with materials and through their play to explore and discover new ideas, skills and concepts. It is often during this the active process that learning is taking place and sometimes there may not be a visible end product. The process involved is the most important aspect of the learning.
What have you done today?
Is a question frequently used when children are collected to go home. However, when children come home from working all day in the Foundation Stage a common reply is “I’ve done nothing” . The children have often been engaged in so many different activities it is difficult for them to recall and sequence them all. Allow them time, they may recall important moments later in the evening or the next day.

get in touch
We welcome the opportunity to meet children and parents, we can offer a tour of the setting, talk to you about our offer and our provision. Your child can explore our environment and get a taste of the space and opportunities on offer. This provides you and your child with the opportunity to spend some time in our provision, speak with our team and ask any questions you have.
If you wish to arrange for a visit or have any questions please get in touch:
School email address: admin@haytorview.devon.sch.uk | Speaking with school staff via telephone 01626 203040
Independence Skills
Small but vital thing that will help build your child’s independence skills as they get ready for attending our Foundation Stage Unit:
⇨ Encourage your child to take off their own shoes, socks and jumper and to dress themselves, even though it will take a little longer these are vital skills towards being independent.
⇨ Let them take off their coats, hang them up and put it on – all by themselves.
⇨ Let them change and select their own story book (Children love to repeat the same story so don’t worry if they want the same book for a few weeks!)
⇨ Children may also choose to spend part or all of each session outside so please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather across the year, winter hats and gloves and summer hats etc.
⇨ Please check that your child’s belongings; coat, shoes, bags or any items of clothing which your child is likely to take off are clearly named to ensure they don’t get lost. Please write their names clearly so that they can recognise their own clothing.

Settling in / Transitions
We know that children only learn when they feel happy and relaxed, so the process of settling children in to the unit is planned on an individual basis. The first few weeks are really important as the children settle into the school environment and we all get to know one another. We structure each transition to allow a family member to join the children for the first week. This support is vital and ensures the children feel comfortable playing alongside a familiar adult as we introduce them to the different elements of the school day.
Key Worker
Every child across the Foundation Stage belongs to a smaller “Family” group with their “Key Person”, an adult who will build close, warm and supportive relationships within the group. They meet together at the start of every session at family group time.
Learning Journals
Each child’s has a learning journal that is completed by staff members. We hope you will enjoy being involved in talking about your child’s learning at home as sharing these experiences helps us to plan activities to suit your child’s needs. You are welcome to look at your child’s journals at any time. Your child’s learning journal goes home with them permanently when they leave the Foundation stage and move into Y1.
What To Wear / To Bring
Things your child will need when starting in the Foundation Stage Unit
• ALL children will need a school book bag, this must be brought into school each day.
• A spare pair of socks and clearly named pair of Wellington boots
• PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS OF YOUR CHILD’S CLOTHING (YES even shoes!) so that they can be easily identified (please recheck after each wash)
• F2 children ONLY will need a draw string P.E bag and a pair of black shorts (P.E bags and book bags are available from the school office)
Healthy Eating In the Foundation Stage – Snacks
Healthy Snack – we provide a snack in school for children to eat and drink if they wish to during the school session. This includes water or milk to drink, fruit and vegetables and a range of other healthy foods. Your child will be given a snack every day. They will be offered milk, cooled water and a piece of fresh fruit.
Children attending F1 do not need to bring in any additional snacks or drinks.
Children attending F2 may wish to bring an additional healthy snack when they stay for the whole day.
If you bring a snack for your child when they meet them at the end of the school session – we recommend something healthy like fruit, bread, or vegetables. To protect your child’s teeth and health we recommend that you do not bring sweets, chocolate, biscuits or crisps.
Dental Health – it is really important to register your child with a dentist. We can give you a list of local NHS dentists: all treatment for children is free.

When your child starts they will need a book bag, these can be purchased from the school office. Your child can borrow books from the School Library box at anytime. All library books are identified on the back cover with a ‘Haytor View Community School label or Devon Library service.
Reading and sharing books with your child on a daily basis is ESSENTIAL and something we prompt through our class library and core book offer. Please support your child in selecting and exchanged one book every day.
All About Me’ Bags
All children have a white bag on their peg. You can use your bag to bring things in. We ask that children do not bring in their toys from home instead please share photos, things they have collected on a walk to the park, beach etc. This sharing and talking is a great way of encouraging children to speak and listen to each other in small groups. Please do not allow your child to bring toys into the setting as your child’s special toys can get lost or broken in a busy Foundation Unit.
Nursery F1 Induction
The first few weeks as the children settle into the school environment is really important as we all get to know one another. All children come to Foundation Stage Unit with a wide range of past experiences and need to settle into our Nursery routine in their own time and in their own way. Your child’s teacher will always be available to discuss any concerns you may have as your child settles. Every day the children have opportunities to work with paint, glue, clay, sand, water, mud etc. Although we have aprons for messy activities and waterproofs for outside children will still get dirty as they explore the wide range of materials available. Children may also choose to spend part or all of each session outside so please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Please provide extra layers for their boots as well a warm hat and gloves in the winter, a protective sun hats when we finally see those sunny days.
- Please ensure that all of your child’s belongings; coat, shoes, bags etc are CLEARLY named so that they don’t get lost

get in touch
We welcome the opportunity to meet children and parents, we can offer a tour of the setting, talk to you about our offer and our provision. Your child can explore our environment and get a taste of the space and opportunities on offer. This provides you and your child with the opportunity to spend some time in our provision, speak with our team and ask any questions you have.
If you wish to arrange for a visit or have any questions please get in touch:
School email address: admin@haytorview.devon.sch.uk | Speaking with school staff via telephone 01626 203040
Our Foundation Stage Timetable
8:30-8:50 | 12:20-12:35
Welcome Time – Time to Think Children arrive and self register with their key Worker. Staff and parents have time to chat and children can show parents what they have been learning. Children can meet up with their friends and talk about what they have been doing at home and what they might do that day.
9.00–10.30 / 12.10 –2.30 Main Session Children are able to access the whole of the Foundation Stage Unit, inside and out. Staff are based across the areas, while others are working on focused activities with individuals or small groups of children, based around our play based curriculum. All staff support the planning process and monitor the children’s involvement and choices
- During this time small groups are gathered together to focus on phonics and language games.
Each day across a week we have curriculum focus upon, Gardening, Cooking, Forest School, Art skills, P.E
10.15–10.30 / 2.20–2.30 Tidy up Time This is an important part of the session as it encourages children and staff to have respect for the Foundation environment, the resources and each other as they tidy up together making sure everything is back in the correct space and clean, ready for the afternoon class.
10.35-10.45 / 2.30—2.40 Review time We gather together at the end of the session in their key groups. Individuals or groups of children may want to share some learning that has taken place during the session and to plan for our next steps for the following day. A drink of water is shared together as the children recall the session and their learning.
10.50-11.15 / 2.50—3.10
Spirals, movement or language games. The children are gathered together in small groups to focus on skill levelled phonics and language development.
11.15- 11.30 / 2.50 -3.10 Song and story time The staff plan around a core book and familiar developmental rhymes ; this may be presented in a range ways for example- a told story time a or sensory activity etc. F2 Children at 2.30-3.00 have a Guided Maths session.
11.30am Morning F1 children are collected to go home.
3.15pm Full time F2 children are collected to go home/ 3.20pm Afternoon F1 children are collected to go home
Full time children in F2 11.15am -12.00 F2 children stay for lunch in the school hall. The children then return to the unit.
12.20pm The afternoon session starts :- see timings and structure linked to the morning sessions.
I remember one morning when I discovered a cocoon in the back of a tree just as a butterfly was making a hole in its case and preparing to come out. I waited a while, but it was too long in appearing and I was impatient. I bent over it and breathed on it to warm it. I warmed it as quickly as I could and the miracle began to happen before my eyes, faster than life. The case opened, the butterfly started slowly crawling out, and I shall never forget my horror when I saw how its wings were folded back and crumpled: the wretched butterfly tried with its whole trembling body to unfold them. Bending over it. I tried to help it with my breath, in vain.
It needed to be hatched out patiently and the unfolding of the wings should be a gradual process in the sun. Now it was too late. My breath has forced the butterfly to appear all crumpled, before its time. It struggled desperately and, a few seconds later, died in the palm of my hands.
That little body is, I do believe, the greatest weight I have on my conscience, For I realize today that it is a mortal sin to violate the laws of nature. We should not hurry, we should not be impatient, but we should confidently obey the eternal rhythm
(from Zorba the Greek, Kazantakis).
Remember this quote when you think of young children starting school. We always make sure the butterflies in our care have a chance to let their wings dry out so that they can REALLY TRULY FLY…….
A Child is like a butterfly in the wind
Some can fly higher than others
But each one flies the best it can
Why compare one to another?
Each one is different
Each one is special
Each one is beautiful