Student inclusion
At Haytor View an ethos of respect and inclusion is cultivated which promotes the learning and development of each child. We are committed to providing high quality education for all our children. We believe a rich, challenging and stimulating curriculum should be available to all children.
We aim to:
> Recognise that all children are entitled to access opportunities which challenge and stimulate them;
> Foster a love of learning for all children;
> Work in partnership with parents and supportive agencies;
> Develop and maintain an inclusive approach to education.
We believe that all pupils are entitled to opportunities that foster and extend learning and enable them to:
> maximise their potential in a variety of safe, enabling environments and settings;
> Achieve increasing success, personal fulfilment and improved outcomes;
> Develop enlightened relationships with peers and adults valuing their own and others’ achievements working independently and collaboratively;
> develop responsibility and independence as a learner;
> become confident life-long learners fostering a love, passion and enjoyment for learning;
> use their abilities to contribute to the whole school and wider community.
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Cyber Bullying
Haytor View Community Primary School believes in the need to create a happy, caring environment for the development and protection of the individual where all feel physically safe and free of insult, teasing and derogatory terms.
The aim of our anti-bullying strategy is to ensure that children learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied. Bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Our Focus is on the individual:
- Respect every child’s needs for, and rights to, a play environment where safety, security, praise, recognition, and opportunity for taking responsibility are available.
- Respect for every individuals feelings and views.
- Recognition that everyone is important and that our differences make each of us special.
- Appreciation of each other, by acknowledging individual qualities, contributions and progress.
- Ensuring the safety of everyone by having anti-bullying rules and practices, developed with the participation of children and young people, carefully explained and displayed for all to see.
Please refer to our Anti Bullying Policy for more detailed information on our anti bullying strategy. Furthermore please refer to our Anti-Cyber Bullying Policy for information relating to online behaviour.
We are dedicated to ensuring we foster equality for all, enabling everyone to feel pride in their identity, value and contribution to the school. We promote a culture of diversity and inclusion, respecting and celebrating the individual.
We are committed to:
- Eliminating discrimination and harassment
- Promoting equality of opportunity
- Promoting good relations and positive attitudes towards all people
- Encouraging participation in public life.
Our commitment covers equality on grounds of: age, disability, gender (including Transgender), race, religion/belief and sexual orientation.
We are committed to ensuring that the school’s ethos, policies and practices respect and protect the rights of all individuals, and to ensure that all pupils and staff are enabled to make the most of their abilities and qualities. Please refer to our Equality Policy, Equality Objectives , Equality Audit, Accessibility Plans and Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy to find out further information about our Equality Strategy.
Relational Behaviour
‘There can be no keener revelation of society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.’
Nelson Mandela 1995
We have a reputation of being a highly inclusive school and are proud of our diversity which creates a rich, cohesive learning environment. We work to support all pupils to ensure they have the best foundation on which to reach their full potential. Our School Values underpins our relationships with children:
- Learning together
- Enjoying success
- Aiming high
- Celebrating difference
- Enriching community
At Haytor View Community Primary School and Nursery we have a whole school relational approach to behaviour which is consistently and fairly implemented in order that everyone has their needs met, with all staff working to the same expectations, we are committed to providing a calm, safe, and supportive environment in which all children can learn and thrive. We use a relational approach in all our interactions with children and adults, it is this approach which supports children in managing their responses to situations. We are committed to supporting all children in developing effective relational approaches in managing their emotional responses and resulting behaviours. We understand that behaviour is a primary form of communication.
Each child is positively supported through consideration of their individual needs and circumstances. Adults maintain a flexible and reflective approach in supporting individual children in managing their emotional responses, identifying need and tailoring provision to support children in having positive experiences.
“I strongly believe that deep down in every child, however invisible, hostile or rejecting they may seem, is a deep longing to be seen, known and truly understood” (Louise Bomber 2007)
Our Relational Behaviour Policy and Governor Statement of Relational Behaviour Principles, Supporting Children’s Appropriate Use of Language and Anti Bullying Policy have further information regarding the support we provide for children.
Please refer to the Statement on Exclusion Procedures and DfE guidance, on all matters relating to school exclusion.
At different times in their school career, a child or young person may have a special educational need. The special educational needs Code of Practice defines special education needs as:
“A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.” If a learner is identified as having SEN, we will make provision that is ‘additional to or different from’ the differentiated curriculum, delivered as wave one provision, intended to overcome the barrier to their learning.
We are committed to ensuring that all learners have access to learning opportunities, and for those who are at risk of not learning, we will intervene. This does not mean that all vulnerable learners have SEN. Only those with a learning difficulty that requires special educational provision will be identified as having SEN.
On-going assessments and pupil tracking ensures teachers understand the needs of individual pupils. If it is felt that the needs a child are not being sufficiently met through the Provision Mapping, there is further consideration as to their specific needs. It is likely that this will engage other professionals as part of a consultative approach, in identifying and addressing the child’s specific needs.
Our SEND Policy and SEND Information Report have further information regarding the support we provide for children.
Linked Documents:
• Timeline for EHC Needs Assessment and EHCP Application
• HTV Graduated Approach to meeting the needs of Children and Families
• Statement on the Implementation of Process of Assessment for Autism as detailed by: Children and Family Health Devon Autism Assessment Service
• Statement on the Implementation of Reasonable Adjustments in accordance with the ‘Technical Guidance for Schools in England’ (which applies to the provisions in the Equality Act 2010)
• Defining Wave 1 Provision Core Offer for Children Statement
• Defining Wave 1 Provision Core Offer Statement for Parents/Carers
• A Guide to Children’s Development
• Devon Autism Book for Parents
Abi Shopland – SENDCo
Haytor View Community Primary School & Nursery
Queensway, Newton Abbot, TQ12 4BD
Tel: 01626 203040
Inclusivity Aims
We aim to ensure that pupils’ individual special educational needs and disabilities are identified and that the provision made at Haytor View Community Primary School will enable pupils to make good progress and achieve their potential, and are fully included in all aspects of the school’s community.
Haytor View Community Primary School will have regard to the SEND Code of Practice 2015, Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 when carrying out its duties towards all pupils with SEND, and ensure that parents/carers are informed by the school that SEND provision is being made for their child.
There is a SENDCo at Haytor View – Abi Shopland, who works with staff across the school. All staff are engaged in relevant staff training in order to develop appropriate practice to support individual children, additional advice is accessed through specific support networks within the Local Authority.
The SEND Policy of Haytor View Community Primary School reflects the principles of the above acts and regulations. The aims are to:
- To identify students with special education needs and disabilities as early as possible and ensure that their needs are met by gathering information from parents/carers, education. Health and care services and early years settings prior to the child’s entry to school;
- To ensure the arrangements identified in individual healthcare plans support pupils with medical conditions to gain access to all school activities. This will be done in consultation with health and social care services;
- In conjunction with the Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy make arrangements to support pupils with medical conditions and to have regard to statutory guidance supporting pupils at school with medical conditions;
- Ensure the Equality Act 2010 duties for pupils with disabilities are met;
- To enable pupils with special educational needs to have their needs met;
- To take into account the views of the pupils with special educational needs;
- To implement a graduated approach to meeting the needs of pupils using the Assess, Plan, Do, Review process;
- To facilitate full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education, including an appropriate curriculum for the foundation stage and the National Curriculum, for pupils with special educational needs. The provision will be carefully monitored and reviewed in order to ensure that individual targets are being met and identified needs catered for;
- Develop a culture of inclusion valuing high quality teaching for all learners, with teachers using a range of effective differentiation methods;
- Employ a collaborative approach with learners with a SEN or disability, their families, staff within school, other external agencies including those from Health and Social Care;
- Set appropriate individual learning outcomes based on prior achievement, high aspirations and the views of the learner and family;
- To regularly monitor the progress and development of all pupils to aid the early identification if of pupils with SEND;
- Share expertise and good practice across the school and local learning community;
- To ensure that targeted professional development including training facilitates staff to achieve a high level of SEND expertise to meet a wide range of needs across the school;
- Make efficient and effective use of school resources;
- Have regard to the Code of Practice (2015) for the identification, assessment, support and review of special educational needs;
- Have regard to the Equality act 2010;
- Have regard to the Special Education Needs and Disability Regulations 2014;
- To recognise the preparation for adulthood from the start;
- Have regard to guidance detailed by Devon County Council.
To encourage good communication and genuine partnerships with parents/carers, pupils, children’s services and all other agencies ensuring that:
- Learners express their views and are fully involved in decisions which effect their education;
- Parents/Carers are informed of their child’s special needs, and work with them to gain a better understanding of their child, and involve them in all stages of their child’s education, including supporting them in terms of understanding SEND procedures/practices and providing regular feedback on their child’s progress;
- There is cooperation and productive partnerships with the local authority and other external agencies, and there is a multi professional approach to meeting the needs of all vulnerable learners;
- The environment created meets the SEND of each child in order that they can achieve their learning potential and can be included in activities alongside their peers/pupils who do not have SEND. There may be times in a pupil’s school career when they are identified as having a Special Educational Need. These pupils will be provided with support that is ‘additional to or different from’ the normal differentiated curriculum. This may be on an on-going basis or for a limited time. Many pupils with sensory and/or physical disabilities may require adaptations, termed reasonable adjustments, under the Equality Act 2010.
All members of the school community demonstrate respectful relationships towards children and families. All adults are sensitive to individual circumstances and provide a tailored response to individual children’s needs and targets, to ensure that each child experiences success alongside their peers through having their individual needs effectively met.
Parents are very much partners in their child’s learning and development, they are actively engaged in identifying their child’s needs and planning the appropriate experiences and support for their child.
The SENDCo at Haytor View – Abi Shopland, works with staff across the school to meet the needs of children. All staff are engaged in relevant staff training in order to develop appropriate practice to support individual children, additional advice is accessed through specific support networks within the Local Authority.
Phase Leaders take day-to-day responsibility for the operation of the SEND policy and co-ordinates the provision for individual children, working closely with staff, parents/carers and external agencies. Working with Phase Leaders the SEND Lead Practitioner and SENDCo provides relevant professional guidance to colleagues with the aim of securing high-quality teaching for children with special educational needs.
Through analysis and assessment of children’s needs, and by monitoring the quality of teaching and standards of pupils’ achievements and setting targets, the Phase Leader develops effective ways of overcoming barriers to learning and sustaining effective teaching within their phase.
Our policies for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and those who are Able, Gifted and Talented identify clear principles and procedures paying regard to statutory guidance, which are reviewed annually.
Visit Devon County Council Local Offer for more information about Devon’s support for children with SEND.
DiAS – Devon Information, Advice and Support
DiAS have a dedicated team offering legally-based and easily accessible information and advice about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). They support children and young people with SEND, and their parents and carers. Their service is impartial and confidential.
They can help you to:
- Understand more about SEND support
- Develop good relationships with professionals
- Prepare well for meetings
- Express yours and your child’s views
- Understand the paperwork