Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community



Year 5


Let’s see what is in the sea!

Good morning again

School feels very different today with our new one-way system through the gates and social distancing reminders in place.

This week’s theme is all about the sea….I will post maths, literacy and one other activity for you to complete each day alongside your reading comments in your contact books.



Start by watching the video on the perimeter. This is good because it explains what the perimeter is, how to measure it and how to calculate missing measurements.

Once you have watched the video, complete the ‘around the outside’ task that is on the right-hand side of your screen.

Challenge 1


Use a map/atlas or the internet to research and label the seas around the world on the map: Seas around the world

Extension – which sea is the warmest? Why?

Grammar: Word scramble

Reading: Please ensure you are reading at least 4 times per week and recording your entries into your contact books.




Today, we will move on to area. Watch the two videos: ‘what is area’ and ‘Find the area’.

Then complete the find the area task that is on the right hand side after the ‘what is area’ video and the area and perimeter quiz on the right hand side of the ‘find the area’ video.

Challenge 2:

Literacy and Art

Following on from yesterday’s learning, please complete the Sea Creatures task. This will see you labelling each layer of the ocean and then drawing the creatures into the correct layers. I have provided you with a template, you can (of course) create your own if you wish to – yours will be so much better than mine, I’m sure!


Grammar: Can you create some sentences that include expanded noun phrases about the layers of the ocean?

This video on BBC Bitesize is a good one if you need to refresh your memory of Expanded noun phrases! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwwp8mn/articles/z3nfw6f


Reading: Don’t forget to complete your reading entries for the week. How about thinking about who the target audience of your book is for today’s comment?




Watch the area and perimeter video on BBC Bitesize (look out for the rather strange puppets!)

Then have a go at the task: Area and Perimeter activity 


Today’s literacy task is to start a research project for a creature/plant that lives in the sea. I recall you really enjoying researching vehicles that are used to explore the bottom of the Ocean in year 3 and how we ran out of time to continue these investigations so this may be something you wish to return to. 

How you create your presentation is up to you – it could be a poster, PowerPoint, word document….anything! My suggestion is that today is your researching and planning day, maybe you could aim to choose one thing to complete your research on and know which parts of the world the creature/plant/vehicle can be found in. 


Can you learn to spell these words by writing them into sentences? 

Abyss, inhabitants, coral, marine, aquarium, existence, vehicle, yacht

Reading: Don’t forget to complete your reading entries for the week. How about thinking about the genre of the text you are reading today?


Good morning all!

Today’s tasks are again all following on from previous activities this week. All activities are still available on the pages so you can go back and access previous tasks if you wish to do so.


Using your previous learning from this week, complete the word problems on perimeter. The questions get harder as you go through, so challenge yourself by seeing how many you can complete. Perimeter word problems


Today’s literacy suggestion is to continue with your sea-themed presentation. Hopefully, you have been able to complete some research in an area of your choice so can today be thinking about how you will collate (put together) what you have found out. 

When selecting how to present your research, think about who your target audience is going to be and what sort of text they are most likely to read. e.g. a young child will find it difficult to read an information text but may really enjoy a comic strip with more pictures than words. 

Today’s challenge will be avoiding copying and pasting information (and not really understanding what you have written!) Please make sure that the task bring you value by ensuring you read all of the information you are using and talk to family members about and information/vocabulary you don’t understand.

Grammar: Alliteration is when you use words that start with the same letter to interest your reader. Could you include this skill in your presentation? e.g. Wonderful Whales.

https://wbkr.com/free-virtual-aquarium-tours-from-across-the-world-video/ This website is amazing for virtual tours of aquariums around the world. Arthur, Olivia and I have really enjoyed watching some of the amazing tanks and seeing so many different amazing creatures. 

I have uploaded some more assessment questions on prodigy for you to complete – those of you who are accessing this are making excellent progress, well done!

Reading: Don’t forget to complete your reading entries for the week. How about thinking about why the author of your text has written it in the way that they have? What effect has your text had on you today?



Your suggested maths task for today will require all skills revised this week. If you have skipped any sessions, you may find it is worthwhile going back to previous days learning to watch the video clips for the explanations on how to find area and perimeter. Area tasks (Friday)



Today’s suggestion is to share your presentation with an audience. This could be a sibling, your entire household or maybe even a friend/relative via a video call. No pressure but I would absolutely love to see some videos of you all, particularly when presenting something you are interested in!

This is a speaking and listening task, so imagine you are at Milber Church or in the Christmas Play – talk clearly and ensure you are thinking about the tone of your voice when reading information.

Booktrust.org gives these ten steps for reading aloud:


  • Perform
  • Purpose
  • Plan
  • Props and puppets
  • Practice
  • Prepare
  • Projection, pitch and pace
  • Power, pause and pose
  • Pages (writing and pictures)
  • Pleasure

Hopefully, lots of these are covered already by today. You have planned and prepared your presentation and know why you have researched the specific animal/creature/vehichle. I really encourage you to let your family members see the enthusiasm you have for learning that I am missing so much at the moment!


Reading – Could be covered by presenting your research project today?


Bonus – How about a best Sea Joke competition? I will accept as many entries as you would like to submit and share as many as I can on our class page next week. Here is my favourite:

Why did the crab never share?

Because he’s shellfish!

Enjoy the beautiful sunshine and remember to keep washing your hands!

Miss Shopland

Mad about Maps!

Good morning all!

This week we have gone mad for maps for your suggested activities. This week is a geography theme with a specific focus on maps. As always, these are suggested activities and I will upload some additional maths, writing and reading tasks at the bottom of the page too.



Log onto espresso education and type maps into the search bar. Make sure you click on the KS2  link for maps and mapping!

There are four videos to watch and activities to complete that will guide you through what a map is and how they are used, finishing with ‘creating a village trail’.


Have a look at BBC Bitesize, https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvsfr82/articles/zdk46v4 KS2 Maps topic. You can watch the first videos to re-cap on what maps are, why and how they are used or move straight on to looking at the contours, keys and symbols:

Have a go at the quiz after watching the video.

On your daily walk today – can you spot anything that should be represented on a map?

Today you could also have a go at creating a scale drawing of your bedroom, from a birds-eye view. How you do this is entirely up to you – pencils and rulers, lego, minecraft….



Have a look at your estate on Google Earth or on the document: Map of Buckland 

Can you locate your house? Our school? Your friend’s house? The park? St Luke’s Church? Anything else?

Make notes of where you go on your daily walk today – can you then map the route you took on Google Earth?

Can you use what you learned from Monday to make your own village trail map of your journey?



Following the learning you have been doing about maps and looking at maps of the area, could you plan a route for your daily walk today? To be accurate, you will need to use your village trail from yesterday of map of the area to draw out a trail to follow.

Challenge yourself to record where any landmarks or amenities are to see how accurate your map drawing skills have become.



Test your symbols learning:


Follow the BBC Bitesize link to learn about latitude and longitude. Then have a go at the quiz at after the video.

Can you find the co-ordinates of your estate on Google Earth?

Have a look at the National Geographic website. https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/at-home

Scroll down to the colour a world map with flags activity. This activity requires quite a bit of printing but could be a brilliant task to complete together or over a few days. There are 9 pages to print, which join together to make a large map of the world with all of the flags around it.

As always, if you have any questions please contact me through the upload part of the website (you can just email a question!) or contact us at school.

Keep safe and enjoy the sunshine!

Miss Shopland


Glorious Gardens and Captivating Creatures

Good Morning!

It is the start of another week in these unprecedented times! This week’s focus to keep your brains growing and bodies active is Glorious Gardens and Captivating Creatures!


Today’s suggestion is to research some different minibeasts. The BBC Bitesize link below gives you some information to watch about minibeasts.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv/articles/z9fkwmn  There are two further activities if you scroll down further, a fill the gap activity and a quiz.

You could apply the learning we have been doing in class on word meanings when investigating the minibeasts in your garden/on your walk. Minibeast etymology Here is an example chart I have created, you could complete this any way you like, drawing your minibeasts or completing on a computer.

You may want to use this activity card to guide you in setting up some traps to leave out tonight (the traps won’t hurt the creatures!) Discovery card 1 – catch your own minibeast


Today you could have a look in your traps set yesterday and find out which creatures are living in your garden.

Have a go at researching or talking to your family about the creatures you have found and the environments they thrive in. Could you design a home for the creatures in your garden that provides them with everything they need?

https://www.rspb.org.uk/get-involved/activities/give-nature-a-home-in-your-garden/garden-activities/build-a-bug-hotel/ The RSPB website has an excellent guide to building a bug hotel at home,

If this one is a little extreme for you and your garden, here is an alternative:

Alternatively today, you could use the RSPB website to find out which types of birds you can see from your window/garden/whilst out getting some exercise. https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/identify-a-bird/

You could create a tally chart or bar chart to record the types and frequency of birds you see.


Today I was thinking it could be really interesting to design your own minibeast or bird species. Based on what you have found out so far, what would a creature need to be successful in your garden/the habitat you have observed them in? e.g. Do they need to camouflage in a particular colour plant/flower? Do they need anything in particular to catch their prey?

You could also think about the role that creatures have in the environment. How could your creature help? Could it protect certain species of plants? Scare off unwanted pests? Help to provide food for other creatures? Create nutrients for the soil?

When naming your creature, think about the word etymologies you will have researched on Monday. The main features of your creature will probably appear in the name, but likely in Latin or Olde English form.

The resources you use to design your creature are entirely up to you! I know some of you are fantastic on different computer programmes, some of you are amazing artists and some will prefer to describe the creature in words rather than drawing/creating. Arthur and I will be designing some new creatures with the playdough we made together yesterday so I will upload some photos in the week if I can.


Today’s suggestion moves on to classifying plants. This is a formal way of saying grouping plants based on something about them e.g. if they have flowers.

First, you will need to have a look for all of the different types of plants in your garden/on your walk. Then you will need to create your own way of grouping the plants. I have an example that you could use or adapt to fit with your environment: Plant classification chart

You could also use the BBC bitesize website to watch videos and complete activities based around plant classification:


Once you have completed this for the plants in your environment, you could transfer the learning to a subject of your choice! e.g. Can you classify the snacks in your cupboard? Your favourite sweets?


Complete a presentation on your favourite creature/animal from the week?

Design your dream garden? Design your invented creature’s dream garden?

Consider how you could improve the environment of the creatures that are currently in your garden?

Can you link this week’s focus with any of the previous learning activities you have completed? Is your food waste bin helping any creatures? Could you invent a new device to help wildlife in your garden? Can you create a song about a minibeast?!

As always, If you have any questions or need anything else from me please don’t hesitate to contact me through the link on the website (you con’t have to upload learning!)

Miss Shopland

Additional Resources: 


Environment literacy based activities.  Plant vocabulary       Year-5-6-Spelling-list      Minibeasts Wordsearch


Times Tables charts    Prodigy Maths – I have been setting some specific questions to focus on certain areas of maths.

Are you confident in telling the time? In digital and Analogue? In 12hr and 24hr?

Tally charts and bar charts of the creatures you see this week are an amazing use of maths skills!


Food for Thought

Good morning all!

I hope you are continuing to make the most of this time together and are discovering talents that you never knew you had…

This week’s overarching theme for your suggested activities is food and nutrition. I have pulled together some activity ideas that I think you may enjoy having a go at over the week. As always, these are suggestions and are not compulsory. I have also added some maths, reading and writing activities at the bottom of this post for anyone who wishes to have a little more structure to their day.


This week we would like you to keep a food diary to document what you eat each day. To help you please see the Eatwell Guide published by the British Nutrition Foundation. This will provide some background information on the UK’s healthy eating model.

lEatwell-Guide British Nutrition Foundation 

How you present your food diary is entirely up to you (and probably based on what resources you have at home!) Using the guide above, you could include the food group and nutritional value of each meal that you are eating.

I also thought you might like to pick up the learning we have previously studied on where our food comes from and what the environmental impacts of the foods we eat are. To do this, you would need to look at where the food was produced (on it’s label) and then google how it was most likely transported. You could then create a Food miles card for each food item. I’d love to hear about which foods have travelled the furthest and whether there were any surprises!

Nutrition Wordsearch If there are any words you do not know the meaning of in this word search you could look them up!


Today I thought it might be fun to carry out a survey of favourite foods for as many people as possible in your family. (This was prompted by my grandparent’s desire to discuss every meal with me each time I phone them!)  If you are talking to people online or on the phone – you could involve them in a survey you have created!

Fruit top trumps This activity is a follow-on from yesterday as it will require finding out where your foods have come from and their environmental impact as well as scoring them for their packaging (or lack of!) and whether they are organic.

You could also complete the Eatwell-Guide—Worksheet-153 to see how balanced your meals are each day.

Don’t forget your food diary entry for the today!

Vegetables Wordsearch


Wednesday – What is the impact on our teeth?

Teeth and Digestion information 

Read through the document to remind yourselves of the role your teeth play in digesting the food we eat. Use the information to label your teeth and then have a go at the crossword. Teeth Labelling Activity Sheet            Teeth Crossword

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z27kng8 watch the video clips on the BBC Bitesize page to learn about the digestive system and complete the activity quiz.

A practical activity to see how the digestive system works: digestive-system-investigation (This is basically showing how we absorb what we need and then ‘get rid of’ the waste!)

Don’t forget your food diary entry for the today!


Watch the video which is embedded in the picture on the first slide. What happens to the leftovers?

Can we reduce food waste?

Design an action plan to help combat food waste in your homes.

Onew way of reducing food waste in your home could be to make your own compost bin? Or make your own indoor wormery? Follow the link below for step-by-step guides on how to do this: https://verticalveg.org.uk/how-to-make-your-own-wormery/

Don’t forget your food diary entry for the today!

Hygiene and Safety Wordsearch

Additional resources, activities and ideas:

Maths: 1 – reading scales 2 -Grams and Kilograms 3 -Weight conversion 4 -Weight addition

I have suggested this order for completing the maths tasks as each day will then build on the previous.

A massive well done to those of you that are continuing to access Maths Prodigy! I receive a weekly update on the amount and level of questions you are successfully answering and I am really impressed! 

Spellings: Vegetable, vehicle, sufficient, temperature, restaurant, muscle, individual, foreign, environment, convenience, category, average

(These have all been taken from the 5/6 statutory spelling list)

https://plprimarystars.com/for-families/play-game?utm_campaign=1891409_HL%20Sunday%20email%2003.05.20&utm_medium=email&utm_source=edcoms&dm_i=3VTU,14JF5,3Z12CF,3YQJ7,1 There is a spelling option on this online game. 

Reading: Keep up the daily reading, if you are continuing to complete your reading and contact book that is fantastic and will see you in a brilliant position for when we return. 

Physical:  Mr Patchett has been busy creating challenges for you to have a go at from home on his new Youtube channel! 

The link for the youtube page is as follows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uUpvTJp6c8

The link for the activity is as follows: https://www.youthsporttrust.org/sites/default/files/Tuck%20In%20Tuck%20Out%20Challenge.pdf

Physical activity challenge score card Remember these?!




Week beginning 27th April – Important Inventions

Good morning all!

As always, I hope you have had a fun and safe week and enjoyed making some musical madness! Thank you to those of you who uploaded photos and links to musical instruments made, songs created and new music you’ve listened to with parents.

This week’s theme is Inventions…therefore each day I have suggested some activities to complete at home, independently or with parents/siblings. As always, these are to give you ideas and can be adapted in any way that suits you!

Following some feedback from last week’s theme, I have also uploaded some additional maths and literacy activities at the bottom of the page that can be printed out and completed offline as well as some more activities to keep returning to week on week.


Talk to your parents about a device in your house. Can you discover how it works?

Have a read of the Inventions – How dogs really work & How dogs brains work.

Read through the PPT of Famous Designers and inventors. Have a go at the two activities suggested.Famous Designers and Inventors

The youtube link for the Alexander Graham Bell video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n_5jG_9fAE

The youtube link for the Dragons Den video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whqogxqrWNA

Want to test your comprehension of the video? complete the Alexander Graham Bell comprehension activity: Alexander Bell Video Comprehension Activity Sheet


Start thinking about your own invention.

Think through your day – what parts of the day could be easier with a new invention? You could do this as an ongoing chart that you add to throughout the day e.g.

Time Activity How easy is it? What would make it better?
8:00 Breakfast – tea and toast L I burnt my toast A toaster that never burns bread.
8:30 Shower J Good but I got shampoo in my eyes Goggles!

 Have a read of Dudley’s auto chef invention and Dudley’s how a toaster works. Dudley – Autochef invention Dudley – How a toaster works

Order the appliances you have used throughout the day from most important to least important. Share this with a parent/sibling – do they feel the same? Why/why not?


Using your notes from yesterday, decide on something to invent.

Watch: https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/modules/news/first_news/design/110629d_inventions.html?source=search-all-all-all-all&source-keywords=inventions to see how inventions have changed since the Victorian Times.

https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/modules/news/first_news/design/090326d_wallace.html?source=search-all-all-all-all&source-keywords=inventions to have a look at some of the inventions featured in Wallace and Gromit.

Have a read of Wallace and Gromit’s Jam Ballista invention. Invention – Jam Ballista 

You could draw your invention out today…



Type inventions into the search bar on Discovery Espresso and explore the videos and articles available. There is a whole range of inventions, from vaccines to light bulbs to the internet!

Go back to your drawing from yesterday and annotate it.

  • What does each part do?
  • Why does each part do that?
  • How does each part work?

Share your idea with parents/siblings. Do they have any questions about your invention?

Fancy something a little different and offline? Inventions – An inventors house Famous Designers and Inventors



Create your own ‘Dragon’s Den’ pitch for your invention. You should be aiming to convince your parents/siblings that they want to buy your product.

You could create this in any way you want e.g. Powerpoint, drama, poster, video advert…anything that would sell your design! The attached document may help you to plan your pitch. Inventions – Dragon’s den pitch ideas

I would love to receive some photos or videos of your designs throughout the week!


Additional maths activities

Times Tables charts

Additional spelling activities

Spelling review

Additional writing activities 

Please note we have not yet covered all of the punctuation needed for page 1 in class. You could research colons and semi-colons yourself or skip these questions.


We’re feeling musical!

Good Morning!

As always, I hope you are all well and looking after yourselves and those around you. We have had a lovely week at our house; we’ve managed to see Olivia a bit more than usual and have enjoyed more time with our pets!

Today is the start of a new way of us providing you with ideas/suggestions of activities. Each week, we will have a whole school theme (e.g. music for this week) that we will provide you with and suggest activities for you to do at home. Our hope is that this keeps things interesting for you all, takes some pressure off of downloading activities/worksheets and creates some enjoyable memories for you and your family!

Monday – Have a look at BBC Bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zwxhfg8

Explore the website and choose some of the videos to watch, music to listen to and activities to complete!

How about? Teach your parents the chorus of your favourite song.

Tuesday – Discovery Espresso: https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/modules/subject/index.html?subject=862650&grade=ks2&&source=espresso-home-keystage2subjects

Espresso provides you with the opportunity to listen to pieces of music and sound from all around us to learn about musical features such as pitch and tempo. It also has activities where you can listen to a well-known piece of music and record when you hear particular sounds, what the mood of the sound is and how the music makes you feel.

How about? Learn the chorus of your parent’s favourite song.

Wednesday – A challenge to listen to music from as many different genres as you can think of! Between us here at school, we have thought of: Rock and Roll, Blues, Jazz, Pop, Dance, Country and Western, Soul and Reggae…but we know there are plenty more we have missed! Talk to your parents/siblings as much as possible about the music you are listening to, why you like/dislike it and how it makes you feel. I wonder if there were particular dance trends to go with the music styles?!

How about? Find and decide as a family, on your favourite lockdown song and dance.

Thursday – From yesterday, you are probably a little clearer on the music you like/dislike! Today’s suggestion is all about your favourite artist. Music Research Project

How about? Have a go at Youtube Karaoke with your family. 

Friday – Have a go at making your own music! We have been investigating some website over the weekend and our suggestions are:

BeepBox is an online tool for sketching and sharing instrumental melodies. It gives you the option to choose from lots of different instruments and layer them onto the arrangement page to play simultaneously and make a tune. https://beepbox.co/#8n31s0k0l00e03t2mm0a7g0fj07i0r1o3210T1v1L4u99q3d7f6y3z1C0c0AcF8BcV9Q4200P6789E0000T0v1L4u12q1d1f7y1z1C0w2c0h2T1v1L4uc0q1d2f6y2z1C0c0A4F3B5V9Q0506Pd474E0912T2v1L4u15q0d1f8y0z1C2w0b4h400000000h4g000000014h000000004h400000000p16000000

Incredibox is available online or to download as an app. This works by dragging and dropping different beat samples to the characters on the screen to play. You can start and stop the sample by clicking on the character.

I liked how easy it was to record and save the tune that I made (click on the three lines to select record, save it by giving it a name when prompted to and then enter your/your parent’s email address and it will send directly to the inbox.)

How about? Teach your parents the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Rap that you started learning with Mrs Cousins. 

As always, keep up the reading! If you can have some routine around reading at home you are more likely to keep your interest in the book you are reading.

The 5/6 spelling list is:Year-5-or-6-Spellings-Whole-Year-Tick-Box.docx

Prodigy Maths is available to all and I am setting some assessment questions (these just appear in your normal game) to ensure the questions are at the right level for each of you.

Most importantly of all – Keep Safe!

Speak soon, get in touch to let me know what you think of the activities (and your parent’s taste in music!) and how you’re are getting on at home.

Miss Shopland



It’s Friday!

Morning all!

It is rather wet here in Torquay today. My first reaction was that it looked miserable so we should stay in – however, Arthur has brought me his wellies already and is currently wearing them with his pyjamas so I think he has other ideas!

I was in school yesterday, it still feels strange! It was wonderful to speak to a few of you on the phone though 😛

Today’s suggestions:


This is a tricky task for those that would like something to challenge them and get their brain working today – probably with an adult. You will need to watch the first three videos, up to Goal Difference – Negative Numbers in Football. Then, using the support from the video, complete the activity sheet attached. The activity appears tricky at first, but if you re-watch the video on Discovery Espresso, you will see what each column is e.g. Goals For and Goals Against and how the Goal Difference is calculated.

Login to your Prodigy maths account and find a friend to battle.

Write down the three things you have enjoyed most about being at home this week.

Use a Youtube clip to learn to draw something – we’ve enjoyed using draw with Dan (I think Jack might like it too!)

P.E. with Joe Wicks is still going. You can also find the archived ones from previous days on his youtube account.

Have another go at the Lucas Jet circus tricks.

Enjoy your day with your amazing family.

Miss Shopland

Thursday 16th

Good Morning year 5!

I am here at school today – it is just so strange without you all!

Again, today’s learning is not compulsory, just there if you would like to.


Wizarding World of Harry Potter:

Today’s tasks suggestions from the https://www.wizardingworld.com/collections/harry-potter-at-home are:

  • Wordsearch (complete with your parent to feel like you are in T2T!)
  • Watch the guide and have a go at drawing an Occamy.
  • Discover your Wizarding World Name with Bloomsbury.


Here’s a Much or Many activity I’ve created in case you find yourselves falling into bad speaking habits! Or catch your parents using much and many incorrectly! Much or Many 


This is the only maths I’m setting you today! 

I challenge you to tell everyone in your household three things you love about them and why! 

Look after yourselves,

Miss Shopland

Wednesday 15th

Good Morning!

As always, I hope you are all well and safe. I also hope you are all happy and making the most of this strange situation. In conversations I have had with parents prior to the holidays, I have been blown away by the amazing learning you are completing at home (making bird boxes, baking, planting, fixing electrics and so much more!). These activities are surely the best learning you can be doing right now – can you imagine the luxury of one oven per child to cook and bake at school?!

Onto the learning bits from me then – these are here for you if you want to complete them. 

I’m hurting today from yesterday’s P.E. session with Joe, but think I may be getting a little better at some of the moves! 

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBvQafyve889qVcPxYEjdSTl You can access all previous lessons here.


There are some tasks set for you on your Prodigy Maths Account – I have copies of your logins so please feel free to email if you have lost your login details and want to use this website. 

Remember that you can look back at previous days to see other learning that I have suggested. 


On the Wizardingworld.com please return to the Journey Through the History of Magic page (at the bottom of the home screen, under latest news). Read the Ten strange things you didn’t know about magic and summarise the 3 statements that you found the most interesting. When recording this, please write in full sentences and consider your handwriting. I would love to see photos of your summaries or receive these via email through the upload link on our website.

I wonder how many of us are in each Wizarding house? I know that Jack is proud of his house 🙂  

Keep up the reading and recording your comments into your contact book. There are lots of free books uploaded to audible.com if you fancy listening to a story (yes, Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone is on there for free now!)

Most importantly – enjoy this time with your families!

Miss Shopland

Tuesday 14th April

Hello all!

It feels so good to be communicating with you all again, I miss our year 5 team!

Over the holidays, I have been looking at lots of different ways to set you some fun and interactive learning that keeps your brains growing whilst allowing you to make the most of your time at home with your amazing families (and hopefully more of this sunshine too!). I would love to hear some feedback on the learning set, this will help me to make sure we are all using our time wisely. 

So, for today…


This week’s Literacy learning continues with our Journey Through the History of Magic Literacy text. Please google the Wizarding World of Harry Potter ( www.wizardingworld.com ), set yourself up an account (you will need an adult to help with this) and have a look at the different activities you can complete. I started with the sorting hat because I just could not resist and am proud to say that I am a Hufflepuff! 

If you scroll down on the home page, at the bottom you will see: Explore the wonders of the Harry Potter: A History of Magic exhibition at home. Through this link, you can read lots of information from within the text and learn about things such as ‘how to study like a Wizard’, ‘Magical creatures through the ages’ and ‘skills for a modern wizard’.



Following us starting to look at negative numbers together in class, please watch the above videos on Discovery Espresso and then complete the Golf scores activity. It will help you out to draw yourself a number line from -10 to 10 so that you can add and subtract numbers to calculate scores. It will also be helpful to re-watch the video once you have the task in front of you. Negative numbers golf scores

I would love to receive an email of your learning if possible; this could be through an edited document that you send back to me, answers on a new document or photos of any learning completed on paper. If you are struggling to find a way to access the resources and complete tasks, please send me an email through the upload link at the bottom of the Haytor View website page.

I would like to give a special mention to BB for the amazing progress he is making with his Prodigy Maths Account! I would also like to give a huge well done to those of you who have completed the place value assessments that I set, your scores are fantastic!


Please make sure you are remembering to read every day, even if just for a short time. These strange times are giving a wonderful opportunity to get fully ‘stuck into’ your texts.

Look after yourselves, stay safe and have fun! 

Miss Shopland