Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

Good morning all!

I hope you are continuing to make the most of this time together and are discovering talents that you never knew you had…

This week’s overarching theme for your suggested activities is food and nutrition. I have pulled together some activity ideas that I think you may enjoy having a go at over the week. As always, these are suggestions and are not compulsory. I have also added some maths, reading and writing activities at the bottom of this post for anyone who wishes to have a little more structure to their day.


This week we would like you to keep a food diary to document what you eat each day. To help you please see the Eatwell Guide published by the British Nutrition Foundation. This will provide some background information on the UK’s healthy eating model.

lEatwell-Guide British Nutrition Foundation 

How you present your food diary is entirely up to you (and probably based on what resources you have at home!) Using the guide above, you could include the food group and nutritional value of each meal that you are eating.

I also thought you might like to pick up the learning we have previously studied on where our food comes from and what the environmental impacts of the foods we eat are. To do this, you would need to look at where the food was produced (on it’s label) and then google how it was most likely transported. You could then create a Food miles card for each food item. I’d love to hear about which foods have travelled the furthest and whether there were any surprises!

Nutrition Wordsearch If there are any words you do not know the meaning of in this word search you could look them up!


Today I thought it might be fun to carry out a survey of favourite foods for as many people as possible in your family. (This was prompted by my grandparent’s desire to discuss every meal with me each time I phone them!)  If you are talking to people online or on the phone – you could involve them in a survey you have created!

Fruit top trumps This activity is a follow-on from yesterday as it will require finding out where your foods have come from and their environmental impact as well as scoring them for their packaging (or lack of!) and whether they are organic.

You could also complete the Eatwell-Guide—Worksheet-153 to see how balanced your meals are each day.

Don’t forget your food diary entry for the today!

Vegetables Wordsearch


Wednesday – What is the impact on our teeth?

Teeth and Digestion information 

Read through the document to remind yourselves of the role your teeth play in digesting the food we eat. Use the information to label your teeth and then have a go at the crossword. Teeth Labelling Activity Sheet            Teeth Crossword

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z27kng8 watch the video clips on the BBC Bitesize page to learn about the digestive system and complete the activity quiz.

A practical activity to see how the digestive system works: digestive-system-investigation (This is basically showing how we absorb what we need and then ‘get rid of’ the waste!)

Don’t forget your food diary entry for the today!


Watch the video which is embedded in the picture on the first slide. What happens to the leftovers?

Can we reduce food waste?

Design an action plan to help combat food waste in your homes.

Onew way of reducing food waste in your home could be to make your own compost bin? Or make your own indoor wormery? Follow the link below for step-by-step guides on how to do this: https://verticalveg.org.uk/how-to-make-your-own-wormery/

Don’t forget your food diary entry for the today!

Hygiene and Safety Wordsearch

Additional resources, activities and ideas:

Maths: 1 – reading scales 2 -Grams and Kilograms 3 -Weight conversion 4 -Weight addition

I have suggested this order for completing the maths tasks as each day will then build on the previous.

A massive well done to those of you that are continuing to access Maths Prodigy! I receive a weekly update on the amount and level of questions you are successfully answering and I am really impressed! 

Spellings: Vegetable, vehicle, sufficient, temperature, restaurant, muscle, individual, foreign, environment, convenience, category, average

(These have all been taken from the 5/6 statutory spelling list)

https://plprimarystars.com/for-families/play-game?utm_campaign=1891409_HL%20Sunday%20email%2003.05.20&utm_medium=email&utm_source=edcoms&dm_i=3VTU,14JF5,3Z12CF,3YQJ7,1 There is a spelling option on this online game. 

Reading: Keep up the daily reading, if you are continuing to complete your reading and contact book that is fantastic and will see you in a brilliant position for when we return. 

Physical:  Mr Patchett has been busy creating challenges for you to have a go at from home on his new Youtube channel! 

The link for the youtube page is as follows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uUpvTJp6c8

The link for the activity is as follows: https://www.youthsporttrust.org/sites/default/files/Tuck%20In%20Tuck%20Out%20Challenge.pdf

Physical activity challenge score card Remember these?!