Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community



Year 1

Hello all!


It’s another wonderful learning week. I hope you haven’t gotten too soggy in last week’s rain… I almost started to make myself a boat to get around rather than a car!

What rainy day activities have you been doing? Remember you can always check out the Fun and Activities page on the website for some extra rainy day activities.

Last week we were very busy in the classroom doing our cooking where the different groups had a go at baking recipes that they have chosen themselves. Here are some of our colourful biscuits, pizzas and fairy cakes  we have created. We have also continued to explore pointillism and have experimented using paintbrushes and cotton buds to create different sized dots or points. We have had some maths challenges where some of the children have been striving to beat their high scores and have seen some amazing phonics from the children.

This week in our home learning we will be thinking about birds. In the school courtyard we have made our own bird feeders for the outside area to attract more birds and… it’s working!

Here are some bird activities that you might enjoy:

Words of the week: –

  • avian
  • array
  • unique

What do the words mean? Can you use them in a sentence?

Go onto the Fun Activities page on the website Splash Page. Follow Mrs Bunce’ instructions to create your own bird feeder using lard and bird seed. Find a space outside to put your bird feeder. In a tree might be a good space. You will need to borrow some long arms to reach up high!

Continue to use the BBC Bitesize daily maths lessons. This week you will be investigating arrays and groups. We explored arrays a couple of weeks ago, this will be a great opportunity to check your understanding and apply what you know.  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znwwg7h

Go on a walk or have a go at bird watching in your garden (you might choose to do this after creating your bird feeders). Use the Bird Detective sheet to see what birds you can see. Look at the colours of the birds and their shape how are this different? Are any parts of the birds similar?

Use the Crows and Other Black Birds sheet to go on a another bird spotting walk. This is a little trickier as some of the birds look quite similar. Before you go on your bird spotting trip, look at the different birds together and try to spot what makes them unique. Garden birds

If you choose to head down to Decoy Park, there are some special bird spotting sheets for you to use to spot wetland and woodland birds. Decoy birds (woods)

What is the difference between wetland and woodland? Can you draw a picture of the two habitats?


Choose one of the birds from your bird spotting sheet. What adjectives would you use to describe the bird you have chosen? Think carefully about the words you could use to help someone to imagine what your bird looks like without seeing it. You might use adjectives to describe its colour, its shape, the sound it makes, how it might feel…


For example:

Black Bird

Dark, spindly legs, sooty, black, shiny, sleek, glossy, soft, silky feathers, pointy yellow beak, beady eyes, still, watching.

To support you in choosing adjectives for your bird, you could use Rhyme Zone https://www.rhymezone.com/r/rhyme.cgi?Word=&typeofrhyme=jjb&org1=syl&org2=l&org3=y . Remember to be selective about the adjectives you use. If you discover a word you are unsure of, talk about it with other people and see if you can work out what it means. Otherwise, share your new word with me! J

Shape poems are where poets use words to describe what the poem is about and use them to create the shape. Watch the video https://youtu.be/pgV738hpu_M to find out more about shape poems and hear some examples. Use your bird adjectives to create your own shape poem. Below is an example of what your poem could look like. It might be a good idea to look at some of your bird pictures to think carefully about your bird’s shape.

Go onto the Literacy Shed at https://www.literacyshed.com/for-the-birds.html and watch the “For the Birds short film. Talk together about you would have done if you were one of the smaller birds? How do you think the bigger bird that joined them felt?

Have a wonderful learning week!

Miss Hall 🙂

Monday 8th June

What a busy week!

It has been so wonderful welcoming so many of you back and hearing about some of your Home Learning last week. Remember you can share the amazing things you have been doing through the website, I always love to see the things that you have been doing. 🙂

This week is due to be a wetter week (particularly on Thursday and Friday) so we might want to explore some more indoor activities.

Word of the week: merge. What does it mean? Can you share a sentence using the word “merge” with 3 other people?

Today we continued to explore pointillism using Primary coloured (red, yellow and blue) paints to create dots. We experimented using different sized dots using paint brushes, cotton buds and wooden sticks. We then tried using different coloured dots close together to mix the colours. When the colours merged together, they created new colours! If you have paints at home, have a go!

Find out what happens when you mix…

Red and yellow?

Blue and red?

Yellow and blue?

Continue to use Bug Club for reading and phonics activities. Continue to use your phonics flash cards to practice your phonemes. Remember, in your red book there are different phonics games you might like to play.

Use Phonics Play on your devise to enjoy games such as, Obb and Bob, Burried Treasure and Dragon’s Den.

Practice reading and writing your Set 5 Words handwriting tricky words. Have a go at using the words in a sentence (don’t forget your alien grip!).

Continue to access BBC Bitesize daily maths lessons at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z693rj6

Have a go at grouping things around your home into 2s. How many groups do you have? How many are there altogether?

Is there anything in your home already grouped into 2s? How could you count them quickly?

Measure your bean plant. How many centimetres tall is it? If you can, send me a photo 🙂

Have a go at the Other Fun Activities page on the website and have a go at some of the different craft ideas.


Have a lovely week!

Miss Hall 🙂

Welcome back Year 1!!!

I am SO excited to be seeing so many of you this week! It is so great to be able to see, talk and have fun with you (we have missed you!). I have got some great activities planned for us to enjoy together from baking to obstacle courses. See you soon!

We have had a fantastic start to the week; thank you to everyone who came in today for making me laugh and smile all day long. Can’t wait to see you next Monday!

This week in school we will be thinking about what makes us special and thinking about what we can achieve:


Creating herb gardens with Mrs Bunce.






Baking our own bread.







Chalk writing in the courtyard and creating our own obstacle courses.







We have also started to look at the artist George Seurat and used his pointillism technique to create our own portraits.


At home this week you might want to…

Word of the week: pointillism. What does it mean?

Research George Seurat. What have you found out? What  kind of art did he create? Can you create your own picture using pointillism? Get creative and see what different pictures you can create using this technique. Experiment using bigger or smaller dots and using two different colours next to each other. Try using different media such as colouring pencils, paint (you could use your fingers or a cotton bud for smaller dots!), crayons or chalk. You might want to try a different way each day. Which media did you prefer to use?

Continue to use Bug Club daily for reading and phonics games. The Bugclub website has had a bit of maintenance so you may need to log in again. If anyone has any problems with this, please let me know and I will give you a phone call to sort it out. Reading is the most important thing to be doing together, so please make sure that you are doing this as much as possible.

Continue to use BBC Bitesize for daily maths lessons. This week you will be exploring mass. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zjpqqp3/year-1-and-p2-lessons/1 Remember, mass is how HEAVY something is.

Use you knowledge of mass to make your own bread!

Use Mrs Heap’s video to help you to create your very own fresh bread. You might want to try adding currents or nuts. What will you do in your recipe? You might want to plan what you will put into your bread. Design your own sandwich and label the different parts.

Continue to practice your set 4 tricky words on your  handwriting tricky words sheet.

Create your own obstacle course and challenge someone in your family to give it a go!

Have fun and stay safe in the sun!

Best wishes

Miss Hall 🙂




June 1st, Welcome Back!

And here it is!

To provide you with an idea about what you can expect to see on the week of June 1st, we have taken some photographs of the Year 1 classroom . Firstly, we cleared the classroom to enable it to be deeply cleaned..




We then added 8 tables back into the room. We used a 2m ruler to ensure each chair was at least 2m from any other chair. We have also measured to ensure that children can access the toilets and the door into and out of the classroom without breaching the 2m social distancing.

We know and feel that it important for the classroom to look like the classroom we know. We have considered this when organising the space using the same tables and chairs for Year 1 and have created displays using the wonderful home learning you have been sending in. I have really enjoyed putting up the display and smiling as I am reminded of the lovely moments you have had together over the past 8 weeks.

On each table, we have created an individual learning pack for each child filled with the tools they will need throughout the day. These packs will only be used by your child throughout the day and will be cleaned at the end of the day, put away in a box and will only be brought out on the next day your child is in school.

It’s really important that when we return that we feel there is a sense of togetherness. With this in mind, we have explored different ways to arrange seating to feel that we are together whilst socially distancing. One way we have looked at is sitting in a circle. This layout allows us to see each other and maintain the 2m rule.

I’m really excited to do some lovely activities with you and use our Year 1 space again! Some of the activities that are on my mind to do together include: clay sculpting, cooking, whole class reading, phonics games, big number writing, gardening with Mrs Bunce using the Courtyard space… We are going to have an amazing time.


If you have any questions, please continue to contact me through the website. I aim to ring everyone who is due to be coming in the day before your child is due to be in school. This will be to say hello and answer any questions you might have about the day.

I hope you have a fantastic Half Term break and I can’t wait to hopefully see you on the week of June 1st!

Take care

Miss Hall 🙂


Have a Fantastic Friday!

It’s Friday!

This is our last day before half term. After the half term, as you all know, we are ready to welcome back Year 1! We have been busy this week preparing the classroom ready for us to be back together. At the end of the day I will post a photo of the classroom onto the website so you can see what it will look like on June 1st. I’m very excited to see you all!

Onto today’s activities, here are some things you might enjoy doing together today:

Word of the day: route. What does it mean? Can you use it in a sentence?

So far this week we have explored maps we can draw, electronic maps and how we can read different maps. Today we are going to be thinking about labeling a map of somewhere familiar… How well do you know the school? Can you label all of the different rooms? Can you draw the route you take to get to the classroom? Are there different routes you could take? Use the Layout of the School document and see what you can remember!

Continue to use BugClub for reading and phonics activities.

Check in to BBC Bitesize for the Friday Challenges! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhvf382

I will post a further update about June 1st later this afternoon. Have a fantastic, fun Friday!

Miss Hall 🙂

Thursday 21st May

Hi everyone

Yesterday was meant to be one of the hottest days of the year and today is looking like it’s going to be a rather toasty day too! If you are heading out to enjoy the sun, don’t forget to wear your sun protection and drink plenty of water.

I know that many of you have been travelling out to the beach and other places this week while the sun is shining so you might have adapted some of the website activities. Remember you can always revisit posts from different days to fit with your home learning.

Some activities you could do today:

Keep logging onto BugClub and completing the different activities and book.

Have a look at the map of Newton Abbot. Yesterday you explored the key on the Decoy map that told what the different symbols were. Today as you are looking at the Newton Abbot map, have a go at making your own key for the different symbols you can see. Can you see any roads? A nature reserve? A church?

If you out exploring different places or having a day at home, why not have a go at creating your own treasure map? First you need to think carefully about what your treasure might be and where you are going to hide it. Then draw out a map of where you have hidden your treasure. I have drawn a map of my garden and have used a key to show some of the key parts so the person finding the treasure can spot them on their search. When you give your map to someone, you might want to give them clues by using words such as, underneath, beside, on top of, near, inside, behind… Can you find the treasure on a map made by someone in your family?






Keep active but keep safe in the sun by drinking plenty, spending time in the shade and wearing sun protection.

Check out BBC Bitesize for today’s maths comparing mass at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z428wty

Word of the day: mass. What does the word mean? Can you use it in a sentence?

Have a great day, I look forward to seeing you soon!

Miss Hall 🙂

A Wonderful Wednesday

Buongiorno Year 1!

I hope you are enjoying your week of exploring using maps so far? They are a fantastic tool to help you to discover new place and find out more about the places you love to visit.

Yesterday some of you might of had a go at using Google Maps to plan a route to go on your daily exercise. Today you could use Google Maps to guide you to Decoy Park.

Whilst you are there take a look at the Decoy Park map. This map looks a little different to Google Maps but will help you to plan your walking route. Have a look at the different coloured routes on the map together. Is there a route you have haven’t done before? Have you seen something on the map that you are curious about?

On the right hand side of the map you might have noticed symbols. This is called a key. Not the kind of key you might use to unlock a door! The key on the map tells you what different symbols mean. The symbol are of important things you might see or different routes you might choose. When you look on your map, try to use the key when you spot a symbol. What does the symbol mean?

Remember to orientate yourself before you begin your walk! When you arrive at Decoy, stand facing the lake as you come out of the carpark. This will help you to check that your map is facing the right way.

Keep up the fantastic reading and learning on BugClub! Miss Cameron and I have been really impressed by how some of you are taking care in reading your books and giving the activities a good go. Well done!

Check out BBC Bitesize maths for today’s learning all about solving problems with length and height at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zrq98xs . I wonder how tall the tallest person in your family is… I wonder how tall your pets are…

When we think about social distancing, we have to think carefully about the magic 2 metre rule! This rule means that we stand 2m away from other people to keep ourselves safe and happy. See if you can measure 2m. Can you find anything that is 2 meters long or high?

No active challenges today because we have the Decoy walk activity! I am going to go for a run this afternoon with Harry and have decided that for every kilometre I run I get a piece of chocolate. How many kilometres do you think I’ll be able to do? You want to set your own active challenge. If you do, let me know what your active challenge is and I might try to give it a go!

Have a great Wednesday!

Miss Hall 🙂

Hello to all of you wonderful people tuning in for today’s post!

Thanks again to all of you who are sending in their fantastic bits of Home Learning. I truly have been blown away by how you are all working together to learn and enjoy spending time together.

Some activities you might like to do today:

Trying not to sound like a broken record, but… Keep up the excellent reading and continue with your BugClub books and activities. If you have read you books and completed your activities, new ones will have been allocated.

Word investigation: what does the word “location” mean? How could you use it in a sentence?

What does the word “”Route” mean? How could you use it in a sentence?

Yesterday you thought carefully about your home and mapped out a room in your house. Today, you are going to start thinking about your location in Buckland. I love using Google Maps because it helps me to plan where I can go walking, how to drive to different places, different paths for me to cycle on… Today you are going to investigate using Google Maps to explore your location.

  1.  Search on your tablet/phone/laptop/computer for http://www.googlemaps.com/ and then click to search
  2. This should bring you to a page that looks like this. Do you recognise any familiar places near you? Can you spot the school? Any shops?Roads? Parks?
  3. Do you know your address? If you are not sure, ask someone in your family. Use the search bar on Google Maps to find your home.
  4. Talk to the people in your family. What do you notice about your location? What can you see around you? Can you spot any street names?
  5. Now let’s have a go at planning a route! You might want to do this to plan your daily exercise. Once you have searched and found your home, select “Directions”.
  6.  Now you need to decide where you would like to go. Talk your family about places you enjoy going on your daily exercise. Is there somewhere you haven’t been in a while? Have you spotted somewhere you would like to visit on your map? Type in your “Destination” (where you would like to go) and then search for your route.
  7. Have a look at your route and talk to your family about what you might pass on your route. Check that your route is safe. Are there lots of roads you need to cross? Think carefully and discuss how you are going to keep safe on your walk/exercise.
  8. Have a look at how long the map thinks your route is. If you decide to walk your route, time yourself and see if it takes that time (I like to do this to see if I can get there faster!)

You might want to draw out the map before you do your route. Have a go at being a navigator (that’s the person who gives directions)!

Make sure if you’re navigating that your map is facing the right way (orientating yourself). Make sure you write the street names or check on your adult’s phone if you are using that to navigate.  Which direction is the post office from your house? Which direction is the park? The main road? Is your map the right way round. If you are heading in the right direction, you are orientated! (Don’t let yourself get disorientated!).

Once you have done your trip, evaluate your route. Was it the best route to take? Did you see the things you wanted to see? Would you use this route again?

Maths. Check out BBC Bitesize’s Daily lesson at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbwc92p . On your walk, you might want to have a go at measuring using equal steps.

Have fun and do things that make you smile!

Thinking of you all

Miss Hall 🙂

Marvelous Maps Monday!

Hi all!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend? I spent my weekend tidying my kitchen and organising my baking draw. We have also been going on some evening walks to see if we can spot any deer, so far we have seen a lot! I have taken some photos to share with you (sorry they are a bit blurred!). How many can you see in the photos? What have you been spotting on your daily walks?

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SO onto this week! this week we will be getting our geography hats on and exploring maps! Throughout the week we will be exploring maps, why we use them and having a go at creating them.

Here are some activities you could be doing today:

Continue with your BugClub reading. If you have read you books and completed your activities, new ones will have been allocated.

Word investigation: what does the word “map” mean? How could you use it in a sentence?

Create a map of a room or space in your home. Below is an example of what your bedroom might look like.

Map Your World | AMNH

Now you could use the map of your room to create a treasure hunt! Hide your treasure in the room you have mapped out. Mark on you map with a X where you have hidden your treasure. See if someone in your family can use your map to find your treasure! You might need to help them by giving them instructions using words such as: above, behind, in front of, next to, beside, under, inside of, underneath… Good luck! 

Look on BBC Bitesize for today’s maths exploring measuring https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zf4vbdm This might help you when you are mapping your room!

Check out https://www.activekidsdobetter.co.uk/active-home to have a look at some of the activities you could be doing at home. You can make Ping Towel Pong even more challenging by using a bigger towel or even a blanket.

The sun is shining today! You might choose to take your bike or scooter for a ride. I will be taking my bike out later!


Have a magnificent Monday!

Miss Hall 🙂

A message from Mrs Bunce…


Mrs Bunce here with another activity a rainy day game for the family all you need is card and paper plates 😊

I’ve used paper to roll into tubes that I have stuck onto card. Then I cut out a ring for my very own ring toss game!

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