COVID Response
In the face of so much change and uncertainty everyone, including our children, will be experiencing a range of feelings. These feelings are genuine and important to recognise and respect. They may see children presenting in ways which are different or unexpected, as parents, you are best placed to sense what is best for your child, their well- being and the well-being of the rest of your family. Be assured that we believe that any decisions that you make for your child, are the right ones for you and for them – as long as you are doing what feels right to your child and your family.
We would always encourage parents to avoid ‘battling’ with children, children will appreciate consideration of their feelings and it may lead them to feel more comfortable at some point in the future. Be assured that you know what is best for your child. It is this approach which will saw all of our children experience success following the last school closure – and will see them successful again, happy and ready to learn.
If you face any particular challenges please get in touch with us. Pick up the phone (01626 203040), drop us a message via School Gateway or Google Classroom, or send an email to Getting in touch always makes us feel better.
Take care and look after each other. You know where we are if you need us.
Mental Health and Well Being
The school has a duty of care to its children, families and staff in meeting the needs of all children, during times of significant challenge this includes promoting their resilience in order to be able to adapt to individual circumstances, through maintaining their emotional and physical well being.
Educational establishments are all about the health, well being, care and learning for pupils. Underpinning our provision for children and families is maintaining positive mental health during periods of change and challenge, in order to support all children being safe and well during periods of difficulty or uncertainty, and positively engage with their learning in order to support their longer term success.
“Mental health is not just the absence of mental disorder. It is defined as a state of wellbeing in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community” Young Devon Wellbeing Toolkit.
Please refer to our rationales for more detailed information on our support for children’s well being during the current times:
The school recognises the responsibility it has for children’s safety and well being at times when the children are not attending school, whilst on roll, as detailed:
Section 157 and 175 of the Education Act 2007 places a duty on Local Authorities and schools to exercise their functions with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Schools must consider safeguarding issues and the impact this might have on a child when considering a reduced timetable.
Schools have safeguarding responsibility for all pupils on roll and therefore must be aware that even with parent/carer agreement to any reduced timetable arranged them make, they are responsible for the safeguarding and welfare of all pupils on roll who are off-site during school hours.
Please refer to our graduated approach for more detailed information on our support for children’s safeguarding during school closure:
Remote Learning
We recognise the need to consistently deliver high quality education, including during periods of remote learning and provision – whether for an individual pupil or many, we understand the importance of maintaining our commitment to all areas of school life, ensuring that all pupils have access to the support and learning resources they need to maintain their well being and self efficacy.
In the event that individuals or groups of children are unable to attend school as a result of following the Government guidance, we will provide remote learning and provision to support them in being safe, cared for and engaging with learning opportunities.
We recognise these are unprecedented times and are seeking to work with parents to support children’s continued engagement with learning, well being and development. We acknowledge that our remote learning and provision commitment extends beyond the completion of curriculum learning, if we are to ensure we continue to build on the positive engagement we have had from children and parents during lockdown, partial and full re-opening of the school.
The graduated approach we have taken with children and families since March 2020, has seen:
• Children’s safeguarding needs met;
• Children’s well being needs met;
• Family welfare needs met;
• Access to relevant services and charitable organisations;
• Access to meal provision;
• Continued engagement with the school provision through the website, splash page, weekly newsletter and regular communications;
• Provision for children with EHCP maintained;
• All children successfully return to school;
Please refer to the following documents for more detailed information on our support for children’s safeguarding during school closure:
Catch Up Premium
‘Children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds will be among those hardest hit. The aggregate impact of lost time in education will be substantial, and the scale of our response must match the scale of the challenge.’ – DFE 20 July 2020
We know the most effective and impactful strategy to target ‘learning loss’ as a result of the pandemic, is securing children’s levels of engagement with high quality first wave teaching. The school has an established track record of narrowing the gap for the most vulnerable of pupils, which is predicated on all children having access to universal first wave teaching, alongside access to tailored waved provision in order to meet identified need in a targeted approach.
With this belief font and centre, we have introduced: Fostering Resilience: School COVID Recovery Plan 2020 – 21, which should be read in conjunction with our Catch Up Premium plan. There is also parity with the school’s Pupil Premium Strategy 2020 – 21, due to breadth of approach the school has taken in its recovery planning based on well being.
Please refer to the following documents for more detailed information on our support for children’s safeguarding during school closure: