Helen Foundation Silk Painting led by Jess from Daisi
Year 6 Students Explore Silk Painting in Creative Workshop Haytor View Primary School’s Year 6 students recently enjoyed an enriching full- days silk painting experience. This Helen Foundation supported workshop facilitated by Daisi was the result of funds offered to...
As part of our Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning the whole school are thinking about ‘SEAL – New Beginnings’. Our Community Celebration on Friday at 9.00am in the school hall will shine the spotlight on the following celebration of our Core Offer:
‘I am working hard on developing relationships which support my learning’
• Mrs Galling has nominated Ella Weston
• Mr Hampton has nominated Crystalmay Rye
• Miss Butler has nominated Kayden Grant
• Miss Brine has nominated Leon Dymond
• Mr Franklin has nominated William Gidley
• Mrs Robson has nominated Ruby Campbell
• Mrs Cousins has nominated Hanna Green
• Miss Shopland has nominated Joshua Stuz
• Mr Blurton has nominated Owen McAuliffe
• Miss Cameron has nominated Thomas Bell
Also in assembly this week, Finley Doets and Izzy Davis are to be presented with their School Council badges. Sincere apologies to you both as these were missed last week.
Mrs Galling would like to nominate the following children for an award this week:
Thomas, Bethany and Reuben Bell – each child has worked really hard at carrying their book
bags and school bags, which has really helped their mum! Well done
Meghan Burgoyne – Meghan used excellent safety skills in keeping her and her friend safe last weekend, she found herself in a situation she considered unusual and told her mum. Well done Meghan, excellent thinking.
Janet Boulton would like to nominate Jamie Drinkwater for an award for his kindness to the youngest children at lunch time and his helpful ways. i.e. escorting reception children to their class, helping them and also helping the adults in the dinner hall.
Mr Franklin would like to nominate Noah Weston and Michaela Wright for an award, Mr Franklin was carrying a heavy load through the HUB, before he could speak, Noah and Michaela had left their lunches, pinched bits off the pile and Luke Huetson had opened the door, so Mr Franklin could get back to the classroom safely. Thank you!
The following children have been nominated for being a ‘Start of the Day Superstar’ in
Key Stage 1 Time to Think – well done!
• Ted Timoney-White, Ted returned to school following an absence, he worked with both his parents and Mr Franklin in some good decision making which meant that he stayed in school and engaged in some great learning. Well done Ted.
• Tilly Barr and her parents who both stay and engage in Time To Think for the afternoon Nursery session all three engaging in play together.
Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th of October will see three respected school leaders, visit our school. The purpose of their visit is to work with staff, governors, children and parents to review the provision in place at Haytor View.
We are keen to receive independent feedback from leaders with other school experience, both to identify what is unique and special about your school, as well as considerations for further development and focus.
The children are being encouraged to share their experiences of Haytor View with the visitors, alongside this we would welcome parents to engage the visitors in discussion about your experiences and thoughts.
The wider the feedback the visitors receive, the richer the feedback we will receive as a school, this will greatly support the school as it strives to improve the quality of service which is provided for you and your children.
Many thanks for your help – Kate Galling