Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

Hello all!

I am puffed out today! Harry and I have taken up indoor cycling and decided to cycle together last night, but I am quite competitive and wanted to cycle the furthest… I cycled for 60km and Harry cycled for 50km. Who cycled the furthest? I wonder what the difference between our distance is?

I have also spent time video calling my family and having a go at creating different games for us to play. We enjoy playing quiz masters and seeing who can answer the most questions and have also played the story game. In the story game, one person says one sentence from a made up story, then the next person adds on another sentence… until you have a completely crazy (and often very funny!) story.

Onto some activities you could do today:

Keep up your reading and Bug Club! If you have read last weeks book and completed you activities, new books will have been allocated for you.

Look at your handwriting tricky words and practice writing your set 4 words. Can you use the words in a sentence?

If you haven’t already, go on a minibeast hunt! Use minibeast-hunt to see which minibeasts you find. If you find a minibeast that is not on the checklist, take a photo and be a detective to find out what it is. 

Word of the day: classify. What does it mean? How would you use the word in a sentence?

You could finish your investigation of the habitats of different mini beasts. Where did you find the minibeasts on you minibeast hunt? Have a go at using the Habitat sorting sheet to record your minibeasts and where you found them. Look at the other animals. What adaptations do they have?

Today look at the information you have collected. What kind of habitat did most of your minibeasts live in? Did anything surprise you? Is there anything you need to check again?

Using the information you have collected, think carefully about what a minibeast’s home looks like. What is it made of? Is it hot or cold? Is it dark or light? Design a minibeast habitat for one of the minibeasts you have discovered. Use My minibeast’s habitat to design what your minibeast habitat might look like.

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/search.aspx?q=minibeast Have a go at one of the minibeast games on Top Marks.

Maths. Go onto BBC Bitesize  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjh7mfr and have a go at the Addition and Subtraction Word Problems activity and lesson.

I have taken up doing 10 minutes of yoga a day. If you would like to join in with some yoga, have a go at Cosmic Kids yoga https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga  or set yourself your own keep active challenge! Try to find an activity you can do for 10 minutes each day this week. If you can, send me a photo to show me what you have been doing. Can you keep it up until Friday?

Continue to enjoy the sunshine and stay safe! Also try to make someone else smile today. What did you do to make them smile?

Best wishes

Miss Hall 🙂