As a school, we use a learning scheme called Jigsaw Education to support us in delivering the PSHE curriculum. This half term, each class has focussed on Going for Goals in line with our assembly focus. Here are some examples of learning across the school this...
The children in Years 1 and 4 came together to celebrate characters. The children began to think about characters from their favourite books and what traits they have. The two classes began to outline their character’s features and to draw them. They then added...
Throughout the school different year groups are getting involved in the Tunnels of Love project aim to transform the Penn Inn Subway. Outline of the project: The Penn Inn subway complex, Newton Abbot, is a neglected & unloved space. Many users find it unpleasant...
A huge thank you to Scarlett who came to visit Year 1 and talk to us about the Mare and Foal Sanctuary and how they care for horses. This supported the children’s science learning around animals and what animals need. The children learnt about the different body...
In year 1, we thoroughly enjoyed welcoming Chantal who engaged with groups of children in the class sharing different playground games. The games included Granny’s Footsteps and Treasure Game. Mrs Bunce is keen to share these games with KS1 during...
Year 1 had lots of fun at the Newton Abbot Sports Festival. Click on the link below to find out more about the experience.