Year 1
In the moment learning opportunities.
Sometimes, something happens which is just to good an opportunity to miss. Following it up means taking risks, abandoning plans and thinking on your feet, but this is always where and when the best learning happens.
One of the mums came in today with a butterfly farm and asked if we could release them in the garden area. I snapped her hand off! It meant changing the whole afternoon and the plans for tomorrow but it was well worth it!
The two girls gave the class a great presentation on the lifecycle of the butterflies they had reared and then we set them free!
One of those nice little moments that makes you realise why teaching is such a great vocation.
It is so good to be able to assemble again!
We have missed being together!
The children in year 1 and year 2 assembled today to think and share ideas around our whole school focus of ‘Making ourschool community a better place.’ We talked about the word assembly and what it means (Avengers Assemble was a really useful hook!) and how we can use our phonic skills of saying and sounding to write it.
We talked about what kind of school we wanted and decided we wanted a kind school, so shared ideas about what each of us could do to make sure this happened. As we have come to expect, the thoughts and ideas the children came up with were really well considered.
The year 2s wanted to act as role models to the year 1 and so partnered up to share their R-Time listening skills as well as their ideas around what being kind would look like.
I hope I’m able to live up to their example!
KS1 Collaborative Project
As a part of our year 1 transition, the year 1s have been joining forces with the year 2s to create their own number bond teaching games. The year 1s have found out more about what it’s like being a year 2 and asked questions to their year 2 team. KS1 have also come together to create their own number bond games ranging from “Unicorns and Ladders” to matching card games. We have focused on using teamwork and our R-time skills to share ideas and create our games. It has been wonderful seeing the children collaborating and spending time exploring the year 2 space.
Houses Throughout History
In our history learning, the year 1s have been exploring how houses have changed throughout history. We started 2000 years ago in the Iron Age looking at how homes were made without windows using mud straw and wood. The children were surprised to find out that animals, such as sheep also lived in the house too! We also explored Saxon homes and Victorian homes.
We looked closely at Tudor homes and how they were constructed. The children then had a go at planning their own Tudor homes as a team. Next, the team worked together to create their own Tudor houses using what they had learned. Once the children had finished their projects, we evaluated the houses and discussed what we would do differently next time.
Medicine making…
Last half term, the children loved reading the book “George’s Marvellous Medicine” and were inspired to create their own medicines and potions. To start with some of the class used different items from our outdoor area such as, grass, mud, leaves, water, flowers… and put them into potions bottles. We also created potions to change the colours of materials in our colour tie dye experiment.
On our final week, we decided to create our own edible potions. The children worked in groups to decide what was going into their smoothie potion. Whilst making the “medicine”, they made decisions about what their medicine would do if someone drank it.
Here are some of the children’s ideas:
- it could make you fly
- it could make you shrink
- it could make you dance
- it could make you melt
- it could make you whizz
What would your medicine do?
Water writing fun in the sun!
The sun is out and it is certainly feeling like summer!
In Year 1, we have been enjoying taking our writing outside using the water and paintbrushes.
We have used the tiles as phoneme frames (one sound in each square) and the had a go at writing our words. You have to be quick in the heat as Benjamin found out!
This is something you might like to try at home if you are looking for a fun way of writing whilst the sun is hot.
May 21st 2021 – Circus Skills
How fortunate were we to have an afternoon being entertained by the Lucas Jet Circus!
It was wonderful to see Lucas and Jony supporting the children in learning new skills and having fun.
The children had an afternoon of amazement and delight as they were able to try new skills and were blown away by the fantastic performance. We are still talking about what we saw.
If anyone wants to see the performance, we’ve put a video of it up on the class Google Classroom page. Please watch it with your children and talk with them about the amazing experience they had.
The Final Week!
Good morning Year 1s!
This is probably one of the last times I will be greeting you as Year 1s as in September we will be welcoming you back as Year 2s! Well done, you have all powered your way through to the final three days of our summer term. Those of you I have had the pleasure of seeing over the past few weeks, you have done a tremendous job and have adjusted to a somewhat unusual school routine brilliantly. Each of you have put 100% into your learning and can go into the summer feeling very proud of yourselves. Those of you I have not yet seen, I have loved hearing about and seeing some of the wonderful learning you have been doing at home! Well done to everyone (mummies, daddies, sisters, brothers, grandparent, relatives, friends… all included!) for facing a challenging situation with such positivity which has given these past 4 months so many smiles and happy memories. I am so excited to see everyone together again in September, we are going to have a fantastic 6 weeks.
As we head into our final three days there are a few of things that I just wanted to remind you of…
Firstly, parent consultations are taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Those of you who have requested a meeting should have received a message with a time slot. The meeting will be an opportunity for us to say hello and have a catch up before we head into the summer holidays. Mrs Bunce will meet and greet you at the gate and guide you into our meeting space. Before and after each meeting, all tables and chairs will be cleaned. Please contact me via the website or by phone if you have any questions.
Keeping in contact. Just to remind you that we are here in school Monday to Wednesday this week if there is anything on your mind or anything you would like to talk about.
Finally, just drawing your attention to the change of children’s September return. Children will be returning on Tuesday 8th of September and will be returning to the Year 1 setting as Year 2s until the October half term. After the half term, they will be transitioning into the Year 2 setting.
So! Onto this week’s activities. This week I have not set a theme, but would invite you to reflect on some of the activities you have enjoyed the most this week. It has been really interesting with our time spent together in school to see some of your interests develop from “Chef” (you know who you are!), to the imaginative play trying to trap the Easter Bunny or making a bubble bath for a dragon.
Get talking to someone in your family. What have you enjoyed? Who have you enjoyed it with? What made it fun? Draw a picture in your Home Learning book of your favourite memories and answer the questions under your drawing.
Listen to “The Huge Bag of Worries” story. https://youtu.be/8QwEOSBjOt8 After you have listened to the story, talk together about…
What happens if we don’t listen to our feelings (worries, anger)?
What and who helped Jenny in the story?
Why it is better if we tell someone about our worries rather than bottling them up?
Reassure that although some feelings are really ‘big’, uncomfortable, difficult or unpleasant; there is no such thing as a bad feeling. They all ‘tell us’ something and need to be listened to.
Have a go at making your own “worry bag” together using any bag you have around the house or you might want to make and decorate one.
Explain that if you are upset or worried about someone or something you can write or draw it on a piece of paper and put it in the worry bag.
Use the The Huge Bag of Worries sheet to draw a picture of what the worries might look like if they were worry monsters.
Please continue to Bugclub for daily reading and phonics games.
Please use Phonics Play to access the Grapheme Speed Trials (the car game) and Tricky Word trucks. Login is: march20 Password: home
Continue to access BBC Bitesize Maths Daily lessons at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhr8g7h
Get active! Can you use some things around your house to create your own obstacle course? Challenge someone in your family to complete your course. Time them to see how fast they can do it. Can you beat their time?
Please continue to share new words together. We love to hear about the new words you have discovered!
Finally, and most importantly, do the things that make you happy. Make time together quality by taking the time to listen and share your thinking.
I look forward to seeing some of you in parent consultations this week and to everyone else, I hope you have a fantastic summer. See you in September Almost Year 2s!
Miss Hall 🙂
Hello Year 1!
I hope that you have all had a fun week? Last week I enjoyed taking advantage of the warm weather spending lots of time in the outdoor doing quite a bit of water play from swimming in the sea, to our water bomb challenge with Thursday’s group!
This week the weather is meant to be more temperamental (that’s when the weather seems like it can’t make up its mind, going from sunny to cloudy and rainy), so Home Learning this week will hopefully provide you with some activities that can entertain you indoors.
This week we will be travelling into Space with our learning!
Words of the week:
What is a… planet
… star
… Moon
… Solar System
What makes them different?
What is a ‘constellation’?
The first thing I would like you to do is to think back to our Space learning in January. Talk to someone in your family about what you can remember. Here are some key words to support your thinking: Moon, astronauts, Neil Armstrong, gravity, orbit, Earth, Sun, planet, International Space Station.
Now ask the people in your family about their Space knowledge. Can they add to your Space knowledge?
When you a scientist and working out how people will travel in and spend time in Space, you encounter many problems. One of NASA’s big problems at the moment is a bit of a stinker… What will toilets on the Moon be like? Because there is a lot less gravity on the Moon, astronauts (and their poo!) floats. This is a problem that teams of scientists are working hard to solve. Can you design a toilet to be used on the Moon? How will it help the astronauts? https://www.space.com/nasa-moon-toilet-design-challenge.html?utm_source=notification
When working in Space, sometimes mistakes happen and astronaut leave behind ‘Junk’ in Space. As some of you may have seen, around a month ago SpaceX rocket launched into Space and the astronauts have since arrived at the International Space Station. From the Space Station, astronauts sometimes need to go on Space walks to fix things around the station. On one of the walks, one of the astronauts dropped his mirror and could not get it! The mirror is now orbiting the Earth. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/nasa-space-spacewalk-mirror-astronaut-chris-cassidy-station-a9587811.html
Collect some of your own ‘Space Junk’ from around your home. This could be empty bottles, toilet roll tubes, sweet wrappers, bits of tin foil, lids, old newspaper… Can you use your ‘Space Junk’ to create your own Space art piece? I have included some ideas of what your art piece could look like below. I cannot wait to see your amazing creations!
As you are doing your Space learning make sure you keep asking questions and record your questions in your Home Learning book.
Continue to use the BBC Bitesize daily maths lessons.
Check out the https://nineplanets.org/tour/ and explore our Solar System. Look at the Night Sky section to see all of the constellations. Download http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/tv/guides/bbc_stargazing_live_star_guide.pdf and if you can, go on your own star gazing trip. You might want to download the Star Chart app on your device to help you to spot the different constellations. Make sure you choose a clear night!
Go onto the Literacy Shed at https://www.literacyshed.com/the-sci—fi-shed.html#and watch “I lived on the Moon” short film. Talk together about what you would do if you travelled to a strange planet. What might you see? How would you feel? Record your thoughts in your Home Learning book. Don’t forget to use your alien grip and cursive writing.
Continue to use Bug Club for reading and phonics activities.
Continue to access BBC Bitesize for maths daily lessons. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zjpqqp3/year-1-and-p2-lessons
Check out Phonics Plays and take on the Tricky Word Trucks speed reading challenge! https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Keep in touch and let me know how you get on with your Space learning this week.
Have a lovely week!
Miss Hall 🙂
Hello Year 1!
I hope you have all had a great week? I look forward to seeing all of your bird learning. With all of the rain we had last week we have enjoyed watching all of the birds flock to the courtyard to scoop up the worms that have come up to the surface. We discovered that the worms do this because the rain stops the worms from being able to get enough oxygen under the ground so they have to come up to the surface to breathe. Unfortunately for the worms, the birds are very good at spotting this!
We also wondered why it rains sometimes… This is something you might want to investigate at home!
This week in home learning we will be thinking about sharks. Here are some activities you could enjoy together:
Please continue to use Bug Club for reading. I have allocated you all a book called “Sharks”, this is a book to be shared with your child to find out information, not for children to read independently. New books and games will be allocated once you have cleared your Bug Club books.
Using different materials around your home, design your own shark craft project. To give you some inspiration, I have included some images of different shark projects to support your thinking. As you are thinking up your design, consider who you are creating your project for. What do you want it to do? How do you want the person your project is for to feel? Have you got all of the things you need? What steps do you need to do to create your project?Shark design sheet
Once you have planned your shark project, you know what you need and know how you want to do it, start to get together the things you need. Have a go at assembling your project. It might not go right the first time so you might need to make changes and rethink your design. You might need to do this more than once!
On Wednesday, check out the Plymouth Aquarium live feeds on Facebook to watch the sharks having their lunch! What do they eat? How do you feed a shark?
Research different types of shark in England. There are around 21 species of shark in English waters! Have a look at https://www.sharktrust.org/pages/faqs/category/british-sharks to find out more about the sharks and their differences. You might want to create your own fact book.
Listen to the story of Shark in the Park at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ketu-SWDyD0 . Plan your own trip to see if you can spot a shark in your park! You don’t have to go to the park, you might want to do some shark spotting at Decoy, on your daily walk or in the garden.
Big question to investigate: If sharks are a type of fish, are whales fish too? Why/why not?
Have a brilliant week and enjoy the good weather.
Miss Hall 🙂