Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

I am SO excited to be seeing so many of you this week! It is so great to be able to see, talk and have fun with you (we have missed you!). I have got some great activities planned for us to enjoy together from baking to obstacle courses. See you soon!

We have had a fantastic start to the week; thank you to everyone who came in today for making me laugh and smile all day long. Can’t wait to see you next Monday!

This week in school we will be thinking about what makes us special and thinking about what we can achieve:


Creating herb gardens with Mrs Bunce.






Baking our own bread.







Chalk writing in the courtyard and creating our own obstacle courses.







We have also started to look at the artist George Seurat and used his pointillism technique to create our own portraits.


At home this week you might want to…

Word of the week: pointillism. What does it mean?

Research George Seurat. What have you found out? What  kind of art did he create? Can you create your own picture using pointillism? Get creative and see what different pictures you can create using this technique. Experiment using bigger or smaller dots and using two different colours next to each other. Try using different media such as colouring pencils, paint (you could use your fingers or a cotton bud for smaller dots!), crayons or chalk. You might want to try a different way each day. Which media did you prefer to use?

Continue to use Bug Club daily for reading and phonics games. The Bugclub website has had a bit of maintenance so you may need to log in again. If anyone has any problems with this, please let me know and I will give you a phone call to sort it out. Reading is the most important thing to be doing together, so please make sure that you are doing this as much as possible.

Continue to use BBC Bitesize for daily maths lessons. This week you will be exploring mass. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zjpqqp3/year-1-and-p2-lessons/1 Remember, mass is how HEAVY something is.

Use you knowledge of mass to make your own bread!

Use Mrs Heap’s video to help you to create your very own fresh bread. You might want to try adding currents or nuts. What will you do in your recipe? You might want to plan what you will put into your bread. Design your own sandwich and label the different parts.

Continue to practice your set 4 tricky words on your  handwriting tricky words sheet.

Create your own obstacle course and challenge someone in your family to give it a go!

Have fun and stay safe in the sun!

Best wishes

Miss Hall 🙂