Hello Year 1!
I hope you had a great start to your week! I have received some fantastic bits of home learning through. Thank you to everyone for sharing 🙂
Bug Club are going to be updating their website on 16th May so you will have to type your username and password again. If you click the show me button, it will remind you of your details so you can make a note of them before this happens, but if anyone has any problems, just let me know and we will get them sorted.
Things to explore today:
Word to investigate today: balanced. What does balanced mean? How would you use it in a sentence?
What do you need to keep you healthy?
Explore the different food groups and create your own balanced healthy eating plate using foods you enjoy.
Here are some resources to inspire your plate:
https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/healthy-eating-what-young-children-need (Some balanced diet eating inspiration!)
https://www.healthyeating.org/Healthy-Kids/Kids-Games-Activities/My-Very-Own-Pizza/Make-a-Pizza (Have a go at making your own healthy pizza and find out about the history of pizza)
Maths. Create your own parts and whole plate! What different number sentences can you create?
Why not try some Cosmic Kids yoga? https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
Have a wonderful day!
Miss Hall 🙂