Good morning Year 1s!
This is probably one of the last times I will be greeting you as Year 1s as in September we will be welcoming you back as Year 2s! Well done, you have all powered your way through to the final three days of our summer term. Those of you I have had the pleasure of seeing over the past few weeks, you have done a tremendous job and have adjusted to a somewhat unusual school routine brilliantly. Each of you have put 100% into your learning and can go into the summer feeling very proud of yourselves. Those of you I have not yet seen, I have loved hearing about and seeing some of the wonderful learning you have been doing at home! Well done to everyone (mummies, daddies, sisters, brothers, grandparent, relatives, friends… all included!) for facing a challenging situation with such positivity which has given these past 4 months so many smiles and happy memories. I am so excited to see everyone together again in September, we are going to have a fantastic 6 weeks.
As we head into our final three days there are a few of things that I just wanted to remind you of…
Firstly, parent consultations are taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Those of you who have requested a meeting should have received a message with a time slot. The meeting will be an opportunity for us to say hello and have a catch up before we head into the summer holidays. Mrs Bunce will meet and greet you at the gate and guide you into our meeting space. Before and after each meeting, all tables and chairs will be cleaned. Please contact me via the website or by phone if you have any questions.
Keeping in contact. Just to remind you that we are here in school Monday to Wednesday this week if there is anything on your mind or anything you would like to talk about.
Finally, just drawing your attention to the change of children’s September return. Children will be returning on Tuesday 8th of September and will be returning to the Year 1 setting as Year 2s until the October half term. After the half term, they will be transitioning into the Year 2 setting.
So! Onto this week’s activities. This week I have not set a theme, but would invite you to reflect on some of the activities you have enjoyed the most this week. It has been really interesting with our time spent together in school to see some of your interests develop from “Chef” (you know who you are!), to the imaginative play trying to trap the Easter Bunny or making a bubble bath for a dragon.
Get talking to someone in your family. What have you enjoyed? Who have you enjoyed it with? What made it fun? Draw a picture in your Home Learning book of your favourite memories and answer the questions under your drawing.
Listen to “The Huge Bag of Worries” story. After you have listened to the story, talk together about…
What happens if we don’t listen to our feelings (worries, anger)?
What and who helped Jenny in the story?
Why it is better if we tell someone about our worries rather than bottling them up?
Reassure that although some feelings are really ‘big’, uncomfortable, difficult or unpleasant; there is no such thing as a bad feeling. They all ‘tell us’ something and need to be listened to.
Have a go at making your own “worry bag” together using any bag you have around the house or you might want to make and decorate one.
Explain that if you are upset or worried about someone or something you can write or draw it on a piece of paper and put it in the worry bag.
Use the The Huge Bag of Worries sheet to draw a picture of what the worries might look like if they were worry monsters.
Please continue to Bugclub for daily reading and phonics games.
Please use Phonics Play to access the Grapheme Speed Trials (the car game) and Tricky Word trucks. Login is: march20 Password: home
Continue to access BBC Bitesize Maths Daily lessons at
Get active! Can you use some things around your house to create your own obstacle course? Challenge someone in your family to complete your course. Time them to see how fast they can do it. Can you beat their time?
Please continue to share new words together. We love to hear about the new words you have discovered!
Finally, and most importantly, do the things that make you happy. Make time together quality by taking the time to listen and share your thinking.
I look forward to seeing some of you in parent consultations this week and to everyone else, I hope you have a fantastic summer. See you in September Almost Year 2s!
Miss Hall 🙂