Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community



Year 1

May the fourth be with you!

Happy Star Wars Day! Here is a Star Wars joke for you…

Why is Yoda such a good gardener?

Because he has green thumbs!


Welcome to our cooking and nutrition week! I am very excited and have decided to make a start this weekend trying out some new recipes. Not all of them went well!

This was one of my favourite meal creations this weekend.

Chorizo Shakshuka

I used:

  • A splash of olive oil
  • A diced onion
  • Some sliced chorizo
  • Half a large jar of pasata
  • A sprinkle of salt
  • A pinch of cayenne powder
  • 4 eggs
  • Some chopped coriander

Image preview


The first activity to start this week is recording a food diary. You can use this to record what you are eating throughout the week and help you to plan your meals. Use the Food Diary to do your recording. Here is your food diary from yesterday.

  Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks






1 glass of orange juice

Jacket potato with beans Chorizo Shakshuka  1 chocolate bar

1 orange

1 can of Coke


Start to think about what makes a healthy meal. How can you make your meals healthy?

Maths. Today we are exploring number bonds! Check out the lesson clip at https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ looking at Part-Whole Relationships Number Bonds then have a go at the activity Number Bonds

Continue to read and complete the activities on Bug Club.

Start to think about what meal you might like to cook. What have you made before? How did you do it?


Have a great day. Remember to keep active and to drink lots of water!

Miss Hall 🙂


A Message From Mrs Bunce

Hi it’s Mrs Bunce with another activity to make at home. Look forward to seeing all yours stay safe all😊

Create your own butterfly puppet!

You will need:

  • strips of paper (these can be any colourful, crazy pieces of paper. you might want to design your own!)
  • pipe cleaners
  • 1 lolly pop stick
  • glue
  • scissors
  • gems for decoration
  • card


  1. Draw the shape of a butterfly onto your card then cut your card into the shape shown above.




2. Fold your strips of paper in half and glue the halves together.


3. Start by sticking the folded strips around the edge of the butterfly’s wings. Add another layer using a different paper design.


4. Continue until you are close to the middle/body of your butterfly.



5. Use the gems or colourful pens to decorate your butterfly’s body.


6. Curl the pipe cleaners into the spirals and then stick them to the back of your butterfly as shown below.



7. Stick the lolly pop stick to the back of the butterfly.


8. Finally, enjoy playing with your butterfly! 🙂




Friday 1st May

It’s the first day of May! I normally get quite excited when we move into May as I start my birthday count down (12 more days!). This year it will probably look very different, but I am sure we can make it fun! Let me know if you have any fun birthday ideas.

Today is the last day of our week of inventions. How has it gone for you? Have a go at creating your final model of your invention. Test it, does it work? Share it with someone in your family, can they use it?

Evaluate your final invention using the  evaluation sheet. Think about what has made you feel proud when creating your machine. What will you do next time?

Continue with your reading, BugClub and BugClub activities.

Enjoy some Friday maths games! Have a look at www.ictgames.com. I enjoy the Whack a Mole game. https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/whackAMole/index.html

Word investigation… what does “fair” mean?

Thinking about sharing. Who do you share things with? How do you make it fair?

Next week we will be moving onto a week of cooking creations, so get your chef hats ready! Have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend.

Kind thoughts

Miss Hall

Thursday 30th April

Good morning everyone!

It’s raining, it’s pouring, the old man is snoring… looks like another rather damp day. This might be a good day for a warm drink and sharing a game together. It is Stay and Play day after all!

Activities you could do today:

Continue creating your invention. Is your plan helping you?

If you have already made your invention consider…

  • Does it work they way you want it to? If not, how would you redesign it so it does work the way you want?
  • Is it built correctly? Does it need remaking?
  • Have you chosen the best materials? Does it need strengthening? Have you used the best methods for joining materials?

It can be tricky when things don’t go the way you plan. Try to persevere and have another go; mistakes are okay!

Giving Up? Try One More Time! | GoodFriends.BlogToday’s inventor to research is Thomas Edison. What was his bright idea? https://www.coolkidfacts.com/thomas-edison-2/

Maths. Have a go at the Making equal groups activity. What can you share into equal groups?

Make sure you are completing the BugClub activities. Once you have answered all of the questions, your book/activity will be completed!

Take time time to talk to each other and enjoy the time you are spending with each other. 

Have a great Thursday!

Big smiles

Miss Hall  🙂

It’s a Wonderful Wednesday!

Good morning!

Looks like there is a splash of sunshine today. This might be a good day to take your daily exercise outside. What will you do?

Today’s activities:

Have a look over your plans for your invention Creative Project Plan. Have you got everything you need? Is there anything you need to change? Have a go at creating your first attempt at your invention. This is your opportunity to find out what might need to change, feel comfortable with this.

An inspirational inventor for today; Alexander Graham Bell. Who was he? What did he invent? https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/true-stories-alexander-graham-bell/zf7gd6f Use this clip to support your research. Here is a clue: Many of us use his invention every day to talk to people far away.

If you have a go at creating your invention, evaluate it using Evaluation. What went well? What would you like to improve?

Maths. What can you put into equal groups? What could you share with your family in equal groups? Remember, equal means exactly the same as.

Continue with Bug Club reading and activities and Phonics Play games.

Have fun doing the things that make you feel happy, I would love to see them through the website!


Best wishes

Miss Hall 🙂

Tuesday 28th April

The rain has arrived! I think I might need to invent something to help me to remember to put on a coat before I go out… I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday, thank you to everyone who has been sharing with me all of the wonderful things you have been doing. Well done to everyone who took on the 2.6 Challenge! It’s been great seeing the challenges you have set yourself. If you want some inspiration for your challenge, check out some of the ideas here. https://twopointsixchallenge.justgiving.com/inspiration

Some activities for today:

How are your inventions going? If you are in need of some inspiration, check out https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/37448783 to see some of Joseph Herscher’s crazy inventions!

Start thinking about what you might need for your invention and make a list of the materials you might need. Are you going to have levers? pulleys? cogs? switches?

Maths. Have a go at the Equal groups activity. Remember, equal means exactly the same as.

Look at your set 3 words in handwriting tricky words. Practice writing the words. Can you write them in a sentence? Remember full stops and capital letters!

Continue with your Bug Club Reading and activities.

Have a wonderful day!

Big smiles

Miss Hall 🙂

A message from Mrs Bunce

Hello year 1

I hope you are all keeping safe. Just thought I would let you know about some of the things I’ve been up to to keep myself busy. I’ve started a new hobbie making diamond paintings and have just finished my first one and I’ve also been baking, having a go at growing some veg, card making and enjoying being out in my garden. Would love to hear about what you have all been doing 😊

Best wishes

Mrs Bunce

Monday 27th April

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all have had a great weekend and enjoyed the sunshine. The weather is meant to be taking a turned this week and the flowers are due to be getting a refreshing shower! This might mean that you are spending a little more time inside. Try to record your weekly adventures in your red book and let me know what you’ve been up to. 

This week our theme will all be around designing a useful tool or machine. The first step is to come up with lots of ideas about what you want your machine to do for you.

Some activities you could do today:

Bug Club! If you can do one thing today, please log on to Bug Club for reading and phonic activities.

Maths. Have a go at the Doubles activity. When do you use doubles? Where can you see doubles?

What different tools do you use throughout the day? How do they help you? Is there anything you would like to be made easier? As you go through the day try and think about some sort of tool or machine that would make whatever you are doing there and then easier. Share your ideas with the people around you. Try to think of more than one way to solve the problem. Which is the most effective way?

Use the Creative Project Plan  to design what your your project will be. Ask your family what they might make. Their ideas might help your own!

Yesterday, it was meant to have been the 40th anniversary of the London Marathon which wasn’t able to take place. Instead, people all over the country have been taking on the 2.6 challenge where people have been taking on different challenges where they 2.6 minutes, 2.6 miles, 26 of something… Some people have taken on doing activities such as 26 star jumps, 2.6 minutes of non-stop dancing, 2.6 mile walks… I decided to do a 26.2km run which was a big challenge to me as it’s the longest run I have done this year! What will you challenge yourself to do today? Send me a photo and let me know!

Warm wishes

Miss Hall 🙂

Fun Friday!

I hope you’ve all had a great week! Did you make lots of noise during the NHS clap? I wonder what you did to make you noise louder…

We are coming to the end of our music week… here are some activities you could do today:

What new things have you learnt this week? Record them in your red book!

Spend some time listening to and enjoying some of your families favourite songs (you might want to have a boogie!).

Check out different instruments at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zkn4wmn  

Create your own instrument using things from around your home. What materials will you use? What sound will it make? What inspired your instrument? What do you call your instrument?

Check out top marks KS1 https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?q=ks1 and have a go at some of the games.

If you didn’t yesterday, or want to have another go, do some cooking together. What will you make? Will you make any changes to your recipe? Make sure you weigh your ingredients accurately!

Continue with Bug Club and reading.


Next week it’s our creative project week! Start thinking about what you would like to create and what you might need to make it. What will it do? 

I look forward to hearing about your ideas.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend together. Keep sending in your messages and photos as I love to see what you have been up to!


Best wishes

Miss Hall 🙂

Thursday 23rd April

Good  morning all!

I hope you are all well? It’s another sweltering day today so make sure that if you are spending time in the sun that you are keeping safe and wearing a hat and sun cream.

Today’s activities:

Continue to collect your friends and family’s favourite songs. Are there any you can sing along to? Favourite songs collection

Today is St George’s Day! What can you find out about St George’s Day? Why do people celebrate St George’s Day? Here is a clip to help you https://youtu.be/nr8b6jvC5l8. Watch out for the dragon! Could you tell your own St George’s Day story using the information you have discovered?

Some of you have mentioned that you are missing your friends. Why not write them a letter or draw them a picture to post or to give them when you see them again? Write a neighbour or someone who lives near you a kind message to make them smile.

Continue to explore measuring mass. What can you weigh? Have a go at following a recipe where you need scales. Can you measure accurately? How do you know you were accurate? What did you make? Who helped you? Send me a picture of what you have made.

Continue to keep active with Just Dance, Cosmic Kids Yoga, Joe Wicks…

Continue to access Bug Club for reading and Phonics activities.


Please make sure you are doing what works for you. Our priority in this time is that you are all happy and safe. You are doing an amazing job! 

If you have any questions or have anything you would like to share with me please continue to send pictures, messages ect. through the website. 

Thank you for all that you are bringing each day!

Miss Hall 🙂