Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

News archive

Remembrance Event

On Friday, year 3 took part in a whole school Remembrance Event.  Year 3 shared their class poem before planting their poppies.  The poppies will place in the grounds at Penn Inn roundabout for everyone to see.

Year 3 Remembrance Poem November 2023

When I Remember

When I remember…

I am broken, I need help!

I see less colours of life in fields.

I hear lightning gun shots and whirling helicopters.

I wonder, is there going to be another war?

I dream everybody is safe.

I feel petrified.

I hope I am brave.



Poppy Making

On Thursday, year 3 participated in a poppy making project.  This was ahead of our Remembrance Event on Friday.  All the children participated, made a poppy and reflected on its meaning.  As well as making a poppy, the children spent all week rehearsing their class poem called ‘When I Remember…’  that they will be performing.



Foundation Stage Fun Autumn 1!

This half term has flown by! We have been settling new children into our foundation stage unit. We have been getting to know each other and enjoying exploring our environment inside and outside.


What an amazing start to our relationship building and learning!

Year 1 Maths

What amazing mathematicians we have in year 1!

In year 1 we have been developing our knowledge of counting and place value of 2-digit numbers. We have used big base to represent and compare 2-digit numbers and secure our understanding of place value. This has enabled us to use ‘tens’ and ‘ones’ when talking about numbers and ‘bigger than’, ‘smaller than’ to compare numbers.










Welcome Back!

We have had such a great time getting to know one another on our first week back!

We have be enjoying our new class and spending time with each other again.  We have been developing core skills and working collaboratively with our class peers and Year 4.

We are looking forward to continuing this over the next few weeks.

Talking Turns Project

Last week, Michael from Paddle Boat Theatre Company, came in to school to support Year 3 with their poetry writing.  Based on Vincent Van Gogh ‘Starry Night’, the children spent the first day bringing the painting to life creating soundscapes and acting out what could be happening in the scene.

On the second day, the children used their learning from the previous session to start recording ideas and thoughts for their poems.  They used their senses to describe what was happening and enhanced their writing by including adjectives, similes and metaphors.

School Sports Partnership

Mr Patchett from the School Sports Partnership came in to school this week to hold an impact day.  The children engaged in a variety of cricket activities that supported their development of skills.  They  enjoyed worked with partners and in groups to practise ball skills and team work.

Torbay Music Festival

On Friday, some of our children took part in the Torbay Music Festival.  They showcased their wonderful composing and performance talents alongside Kip, their music teacher.  They all received medals and certificates for their performances.
We are very proud of their musical talents!

Arts Day – Tunnels of Love Project

We had an amazing afternoon learning from Patrice Naiambana yesterday. Patrice is part of the Tunnels of Love project (designed by Newton Abbot Community Interest Company) that will see the underpass/subway area around Pen Inn roundabout become a site for art installations and displays. Our children’s learning will end up as part of those displays! We took part in a drumming workshop to help us listen to the patterns within sentences, then we used this learning to write about our lives – games we enjoy playing, our hobbies and any stories we wanted to put onto paper. Thanks for an amazing afternoon, Patrice!

Yoga in Year 6

Newton Abbot College PE team visited our school to help us try out some new sports. We tried out yoga and we loved it! We practised some poses on our own then got together with a partner to work on some tricky poses together. It was great fun and we will be practising yoga more in the future.