Year 4 attended an Olympic Event at Newton Abbot College on Friday 23rd June. The children took part in various workshops in Gymnastics, Football, Hockey and Athletics to name a few of the sports with different year 4 classes from across Newton Abbot. Louie, Tyler and...
Last Monday, all the children in KS2 attended the School Sports Partnership Handball festival at Newton Abbot College. The children participated in a range of skilled base activities to support them in their development of Handball. They played alongside children...
Year 4 joined year 3 for a skills workshop and handball game. The children brushed up on their skills of dribbling, passing and catching before taking part in a game with year 3.
Our playleaders had a great morning at Coombeshead Academy learning more about their role as playleaders. There was a great turn out for the Young Play Leaders Conference with 10 schools taking. < Pupils were split into 2 groups with one group focusing first on...
All of our year 4 children took part in the ‘Year 4 Mini Olympic Day’ at Newton Abbot College. The children were teamed up with children from other primary schools and participated in a range of activities. The event was led by Mr Patchett and supported by the PE...
Mr Patchett, from Newton Abbott College, came into school and held a Commonwealth Games experience for our Key Stage 2 children. The children engaged in a range of activities such as relay running, javelin throwing and the long jump to name but a few. All children...