Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

Hello Year 1!


I hope that you have all had a fun week? Last week I enjoyed taking advantage of the warm weather spending lots of time in the outdoor doing quite a bit of water play from swimming in the sea, to our water bomb challenge with Thursday’s group!


This week the weather is meant to be more temperamental (that’s when the weather seems like it can’t make up its mind, going from sunny to cloudy and rainy), so Home Learning this week will hopefully provide you with some activities that can entertain you indoors.


This week we will be travelling into Space with our learning!

Words of the week:

What is a… planet

… star

… Moon

… Solar System

What makes them different?

What is a ‘constellation’?


The first thing I would like you to do is to think back to our Space learning in January. Talk to someone in your family about what you can remember. Here are some key words to support your thinking: Moon, astronauts, Neil Armstrong, gravity, orbit, Earth, Sun, planet, International Space Station.


Now ask the people in your family about their Space knowledge. Can they add to your Space knowledge?


When you a scientist and working out how people will travel in and spend time in Space, you encounter many problems. One of NASA’s big problems at the moment is a bit of a stinker… What will toilets on the Moon be like? Because there is a lot less gravity on the Moon, astronauts (and their poo!) floats. This is a problem that teams of scientists are working hard to solve. Can you design a toilet to be used on the Moon? How will it help the astronauts? https://www.space.com/nasa-moon-toilet-design-challenge.html?utm_source=notification



When working in Space, sometimes mistakes happen and astronaut leave behind ‘Junk’ in Space. As some of you may have seen, around a month ago SpaceX rocket launched into Space and the astronauts have since arrived at the International Space Station. From the Space Station, astronauts sometimes need to go on Space walks to fix things around the station. On one of the walks, one of the astronauts dropped his mirror and could not get it! The mirror is now orbiting the Earth. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/nasa-space-spacewalk-mirror-astronaut-chris-cassidy-station-a9587811.html


Collect some of your own ‘Space Junk’ from around your home. This could be empty bottles, toilet roll tubes, sweet wrappers, bits of tin foil, lids, old newspaper… Can you use your ‘Space Junk’ to create your own Space art piece? I have included some ideas of what your art piece could look like below. I cannot wait to see your amazing creations!

As you are doing your Space learning make sure you keep asking questions and record your questions in your Home Learning book.


Continue to use the BBC Bitesize daily maths lessons.


Check out the https://nineplanets.org/tour/  and explore our Solar System. Look at the Night Sky section to see all of the constellations. Download  http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/tv/guides/bbc_stargazing_live_star_guide.pdf and if you can, go on your own star gazing trip. You might want to download the Star Chart app on your device to help you to spot the different constellations. Make sure you choose a clear night!


Go onto the Literacy Shed at https://www.literacyshed.com/the-sci—fi-shed.html#and watch “I lived on the Moon” short film. Talk together about what you would do if you travelled to a strange planet. What might you see? How would you feel? Record your thoughts in your Home Learning book. Don’t forget to use your alien grip and cursive writing.


Continue to use Bug Club for reading and phonics activities.


Continue to access BBC Bitesize for maths daily lessons. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zjpqqp3/year-1-and-p2-lessons


Check out Phonics Plays and take on the Tricky Word Trucks speed reading challenge! https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/



Keep in touch and let me know how you get on with your Space learning this week.


Have a lovely week!

Miss Hall 🙂