Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

Haytor View

Community Primary School & Nursery

Learning together ~ enjoying success ~ aiming high ~ celebrating difference ~ enriching community

Hi Good Morning Everybody. 

I hope that you have all had a GREAT weekend. Sunday was a lovely and got warming across the day. I saw familiar faces on my walk! It was nice to see you out with your families.  I  also was very lucky, my family drove from across the country to see me for a day for the first time since the start of Feb. Only 5 of us could meet outside at distance but it was great to see them. They came to celebrate my birthday, which is today!! Its lovely to share time with families and I know two children wanted to do threading this week to send presents to family members they miss,  so I though we could all think of threading items we could find at home.

Do you remember the bubble liquid recipe and the lovely threaded bead wands…

I wondered if today you could find all the different things you could thread at home… Pasta, cheerios, buttons, beads…   Have fun searching for things at home to thread.  You can make your own needle from masking tape so it is easier to push the thread into the holes. 

What about threading things you find outside?


Have fun searching and making holes… Do you have a hole punch so you can make your own things to thread? 

This week in school we will be:

I will also be able to talk to some more of you this afternoon.. I can’t wait to say hello  and chat. 

Enjoy your day and remember to have fun. From Miss Butler, Mrs Breakwell and Miss Lofthouse